Until I Get You Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 162138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 811(@200wpm)___ 649(@250wpm)___ 540(@300wpm)

“Really, though,” I say when she doesn’t speak. “Is there something in the water in this city? People have no boundaries.”

“Do you even know the definition of boundaries?” She laughs. A real laugh. The one I’ve missed.

I feel my lips hitch. For a moment, her eyes soften, and I feel like I’m staring at the puck and my heart is about to leap out of my throat. I forget what we’re talking about. The bartender comes back with two yellowish drinks in martini glasses. I’m already wary. We pick up the glasses at the same time and bring them to our lips.

The guy’s watching us on bated breath, so I hope, for his sake, this is good. I take a sip. Damn. I don’t know what’s in it, but I immediately love it. It’s a little spicy and a little citrusy, but it also has a hint of sweetness in it that balances it perfectly. It may just be my new favorite drink. We set our glasses down. He watches us. This is probably why he likes Lyla so much. She keeps him on his toes with her passive expression, and eyes only I can read.

After what seems like forever, she gives him two thumbs up. “Ten out of ten.”

He lets out a relieved breath, then looks at me.

“I was a little skeptical when I saw the glass, but it’s the best drink I’ve had in a while.”

“I’m so glad you both like it,” Pat says, smiling wide, and walks to the person on the other side of the bar.

Lyla turns to me slightly. “Do you really like it, or are you trying to be nice?”

“When have I ever tried to be nice?” I shoot her a look and add, “To anyone but you.”

She studies me for a long moment, her eyes all over my face. When she moves to swivel her chair to face forward, I grab her forearm, then run my hand down to hers. I don’t know why I do it, because now I want to touch her everywhere. Nothing about her expression changes, but I see the fire in her eyes. It’s a lick of a flame just starting, but it’s there. Fuck, I want her. I don’t even bother reminding myself that I’m mad at her. What’s the point? I can be mad all I want, but I’ll never stop wanting her.

“Why the pictures?” I ask because it’s been driving me crazy since we left the sports center.

She immediately shuts down, takes her hand back, and swivels the seat to face forward again. Jesus Christ. It’s a simple question. She looked nervous about me seeing the pictures, but she didn’t make a move to stop it from happening. She could have shown me her office from the door and shut it. She could have rushed forward to hide them while I was looking around. How can she expect me, of all people, not to ask about them?

“Just answer the question,” I say quietly. I just need this one answer, and then I’ll drop it.

Her eyes flash to mine. “Last time you asked me questions, you humiliated me. That’s the only thing you’ve done since you got here, so forgive me for not wanting to play your little game. I’m leaving with you tomorrow. I’m going to a place I thought I’d escaped for life. And you know what?”

She gets off of her stool. I’m shocked by this alone. Not that she’s being loud or causing a scene, by any means, but she’s always been mortified to lash out in public. I know I should probably be upset about it, but it’s hot as fuck and shows that I can still make her feel like no one else can.

“I’m not doing this for the money. I’m doing it for you. If I wanted to, I’d tell you who attacked you and let whatever happens to you happen,” she says, moving closer so she’s only inches away from my face. “But for some stupid fucking reason, I can’t do that, because despite what a piece of shit you’ve been to me, I can’t bear anything happening to you and I feel like going with you might somehow save you from harm. So, fuck you, Lachlan Duke.”

She takes a deep breath and turns to leave, but whips back around with renewed fire in her angry gaze. “And you know what else? You weren’t the only one who was hurt that day. I was also attacked and sent to the hospital, so just. . .fuck you.”

“What?” I pull back, her admission hitting me in the center of my chest. “What do you mean you were attacked? What hospital? What are you talking about?”

She looks at me in disbelief. I already know she’s not going to tell me, which pisses me the fuck off. My jaw clenches so hard, I think I might break it.


