Until I Get You Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 162138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 811(@200wpm)___ 649(@250wpm)___ 540(@300wpm)

“Relax,” he says, slowing his thrusts. I can’t relax, though. He squeezes my ass with his other hand. “Fucking relax.”

I bite my lip and drop my head, as I try.

“Look at me.” It’s a demand I can’t deny. I look at him over my shoulder. I wish I hadn’t. It only serves as a reminder of how fucking gorgeous he is. He holds my gaze. “Do you trust me?”

My eyes widen. He wants to talk about trust NOW? In the middle of this? He’s done this to me before, but it was when he had my unequivocal trust. His finger moves again. I tense and his eyes hood, making me wetter. It makes me feel sick, but despite everything, I do trust him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have blindly signed the stupid contract.

“Do you trust me, or is that also gone?” His eyes are hard, as he asks the question. I know he’s upset, but fuck, why now? I take a breath and nod. His eyes darken. “I need to hear the words.”

“I trust you,” I whisper, looking at him.

“Relax for me, then,” he says, his voice softer now.

I feel my body relax and shiver when he dips his finger in. The moment he feels that, he starts fucking me hard again. He makes everything feel so damn good, even this. His grip tightens on my ass cheek and moves faster in my other hole, when I bring a hand to palm my breast and play with my nipple. I’m going to come. I know I am as long as he doesn’t stop.

“Don’t stop.” I moan as I tug it, my eyes rolling back. “Please don’t stop.”

“Fuck, baby.” He slows for a moment, and I know he’s watching me play with my nipple.

I push my ass back so he can keep moving, the motion making his finger go deeper. I squeeze around him and moan loudly, feeling my entire body hum with the beginning of an orgasm. With his other hand, he slaps my ass hard, and that’s what throws me over the edge. I convulse, gripping the sheets hard, as I squeeze and pulse around him with a loud scream that I’m sure the entire city can hear. My eyes roll back with the intensity of it. I don’t want him to stop. I want him to lose his mind the way I just did. An angry growl rips through him, and he suddenly stops moving. He pulls out his finger first. My arms and legs are shaking as I hold myself up. I’m on the cusp of another orgasm when he stops moving.

“No. No. Don’t stop,” I say, panting.

I look over my shoulder and watch his jaw tick, as he pulls out of me completely. I wait for him to thrust back inside me, but he just pauses there, looking at me like he’s about to fucking lose it.

“No.” I say again, shaking my ass. His eyes darken as he looks at my movement, but he continues to just stand there. “Why the hell did you stop?”

He glances away but doesn’t answer. It doesn’t look like he’s going to keep fucking me, which, what the hell? I turn and sit, looking at his cock to see if something’s wrong with it, but it’s hard and glistening with the pleasure he just gave me. Is this part of his punishment? He’s not going to let himself come with me? I bury every single emotion that rolls through me at the thought of that.

“Lachlan,” I demand. “What happened?”

He looks at me again, his eyes dark and molten. He doesn’t say anything as he leans over, lifts, and pushes me gently so I’m on my back in the middle of the bed. He grabs my throat and squeezes it as he settles between my legs again and sinks into me ever so slowly. My eyes roll back as he fills me, inch by inch. He takes his hand from my throat and sets it beside my head as he lowers himself closer to me. His thrusts are slow, but just as deep, and not any less effective. He’s still hitting me in places that make it hard to think, hard to breathe. He slows down even more, and drops his head to my chest, bringing his mouth to my breasts. He takes his time with each one, licking, biting, and sucking each nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, fuck,” I whisper, my eyes rolling back and my hips moving on their own to meet each of his thrusts.

I’m so close again. So close. He can make me come right now if he wanted, but I can tell he’s drawing this out, making it last, either as punishment or to make up for lost time. I’m not sure there’s a difference anymore. I try to stay in the moment and watch the way each muscle on his abs and arms clench. I bring a hand up and slowly run the tips of my fingers down his sternum. He shivers at my touch and I look up at him. My heart squeezes at what I find in his eyes. Yes, they’re intense, but this isn’t an angry fuck. This is something totally different. This is him before. This is him when he loved me, even though neither of us spoke the words aloud.


