Until I Get You Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 162138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 811(@200wpm)___ 649(@250wpm)___ 540(@300wpm)

“You said you don’t kiss,” Wade says. He’s definitely still a little tipsy. “Holy shit. You’re the guy.”

“Yeah.” Lach doesn’t take his gaze off me. “I’m the guy.”

I shut my eyes for a moment. When I open them, I start turning my face toward Wade to say something, but Lachlan brings his hand up and grabs my jaw hard to keep my eyes on his. It’s at this moment that I realize that he’s gripping me the way a snake would its prey. I can’t tell if he’s holding me because he missed me, or if he’s holding me hostage in case I disappear again. When he lets go of my face, I stare at him for a moment longer before I try to look over at Wade again. Lach grabs my chin again, moving my face to the position it was in.

“Don’t you dare,” he seethes under his breath.

“Lach,” I breathe.

“Don’t fucking look at him.” His grip on my back gets tighter.

“I have to get rid of him,” I whisper. I really don’t want Lachlan to beat the shit out of Wade and I know he will. I’ve seen this look. “I have to say goodbye, though.” He doesn’t budge. “Lachlan, please.”

“Make it quick.” He makes a disgruntled sound but lowers me until my feet touch the ground and lets me go.

He takes half a step back and crosses his arms. For a moment, I just stare at him. I can barely process what’s happening. One minute, I’m thinking about Lach the way I do every freaking day, and the next, he’s here and his lips are on mine. I don’t know what I’m even supposed to say to Wade, but I have to say something. My knees are still shaky, but I manage to face him. At least he looks less drunk.

“Thanks for dinner and drinks,” I say, taking a breath. “I. . .I’m sorry.”

“Delilah.” He blinks hard, shoots Lach a look, and focuses on me again. “Come on.”

He says it in the same tone you make when the referee makes a call you don’t agree with.

“You’re ending our fate because of him?” He asks in disbelief. Yeah, he’s definitely still a little drunk.

I swear Lach growls.

“I repeatedly told you this wasn’t a date,” I say. “Thank you for dinner and drinks and for walking me home.”

He just stares. Why can’t he just leave? Does he not understand I’m trying to help him? Wade is like three inches shorter and at least twenty pounds of muscles less than Lach. Even if he wasn’t, even if their builds were reversed, Lach’s anger counts for two men. There’s no way Wade walks out of here intact.

“Are you going to be okay?” he asks, frowning.

“She’ll be more than okay. Do you need another demonstration?” Lachlan charges forward but stops beside me when I throw an arm out. “Should I fuck her against the wall? Is that what it’ll take for you to understand?”

“Lachlan!” I shoot him a glare, heat rising to my cheeks.

He smirks. It’s not nice, but it still makes my heart skip.

Wade laughs in disbelief. “This is the guy you’ve been moping over?”

He’s probably wondering if, once again, I’ve proven that the bad boys always get the girl, but that’s not what this is. How the hell do I explain that Lach isn’t always like this? How do I explain that yes, he’s possessive when it comes to me, but he’s also fun and caring? There’s no way he’s going to believe it when Lachlan’s acting like a fucking lunatic.

“It’s really complicated,” I say. “I’ll call you tomorrow and explain. We can meet for breakfast if you want and I’ll explain there.”

Lach scoffs. I ignore him.

“Breakfast,” Wade says, looking at Lachlan when he says, “At our spot.”

Jesus Christ in a manger. Why are men like this? Lach’s deep, unamused chuckle makes me shiver, even though I know it’s another indication that this can go downhill quickly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I confirm.

“Okay, that’s it. Let’s go.” Lach grabs my arm and starts walking. “Now, Lyla.”

I whisper another apology to Wade and turn around to keep up with Lachlan’s pace, which is impossible since his legs are so much longer than mine. His hold on me is tight. Not tight enough to leave marks, just tight enough to make me feel like he’s manhandling me like I’m a rag doll.

“Delilah,” Wade calls out as we’re almost at the door. “If you don’t call or show, I’m calling the cops.”

“I. . .” I start, but Lachlan pulls me inside before I can respond. I yank my arm out of his grasp. “What the fuck, Lachlan?”

“Go.” He nods at the elevator, his jaw clenched.

The initial shock of seeing him has worn off. I’ve gone from disbelief and elation to straight-up anger. I punch the button with my fist three times as if it’s at fault for what’s happening. Inside, I stand with my arms crossed and stare ahead as he stands behind me. Maybe by the time we reach the fourteenth floor, we’ll have had enough time to cool off. Highly unlikely. We'll probably need another three years for that to happen. It’s a scary thought. A sad one. I’ve lived without him for three years, and sure, I’ve been able to live my life a lot better than I ever did in Fairview, but the gaping hole in my heart remains empty. I’m positive that without med school consuming me, I wouldn’t have made it another three without caving and dialing his number. I step out of the elevator and practically stomp to my door, unlocking it and yanking it open. I let it go and let fate decide whether or not it’ll slam in his face. Lachlan catches it.


