Until I Get You Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 162138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 811(@200wpm)___ 649(@250wpm)___ 540(@300wpm)


“Did you come over here because you want me to add you to the line?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He smiles that slow, sexy smile that makes my knees weak. I lock them.

“I would, actually.” I let my arm fall and look back at the group.

“I’d do it for you.”

My eyes catch his and I see something in them that makes my pulse race.

I blow my whistle and take a step forward. “Break’s over.”

Behind me, I hear Lachlan say, “Yes, ma’am,” under his breath as he runs off. My heart skips again. We finish the rest of the drills, do them once all the way through, and finally get to the net. I let them do whatever they want there and go through the things I haven’t filled out on the checklist.



“That shit’s hard,” Barlow says, standing beside me as he catches his breath.

“Life’s hard.”

“Yeah, but you’re making it harder.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Your coaches don't make you do these drills?”

“Of course, but not like that, and normally we end with sit-ups, not doing the entire thing again.”

“You can do sit-ups on your own time.” I lower the clipboard.

“Hey, Coach D,” one of the guys calls out from the pitch. “Can you do the drills?”

“Of course, I can do the drills,” I say. “I wouldn’t make you do something without testing it out first.”

They all laugh, including Barlow, but he gets closer and says, “I’d let you test me out.”

“You’re something else,” I say, but can’t help the way my lips twitch.

“How old are you?” he asks seriously, as he turns his body to face me.

“None of your business.”

“Come on. Don’t be like that.” He cocks his head, his wild curls falling over his eyes before he swipes them back. It’s insane how much he reminds me of Lach.


His brows hike up. “That’s it?”

I blink. “What, do I look old or something?”

“No. I just figured since you’re not. . .” He shrugs. “I figured you were older and didn’t like younger men, but you’re only two years older than me.”

“Oh, my God.” That actually makes me laugh. I turn to face him. “You thought that because I didn’t jump on your advance, it must mean that I’m older?”

“Pretty much.” He shrugs.

“No offense, Barlow,” I start.

“Asher,” he says.

“No offense, Asher, but one.” I put up my finger. “That doesn’t work on me. And two,” I put up another finger. “I have too much baggage that I would never dump on you.”

“And three, she’s taken,” Lach says behind me.

My stomach does a flip but I don’t move, don’t look at him, don’t say anything. I keep my eyes on the guy in front of me, whose brows furrow momentarily as he looks over my head.

“Oh shit, I guess I should have asked if you have a boyfriend,” Barlow says with a chuckle.

“But you didn’t because you don’t really care. You’d fuck her anyway,” Lach says. Christ on a cracker. I’m going to murder him in his sleep. I glare at him.

“Well, I mean. Can you blame me?” Barlow says. He puts his hands up and his eyes widen suddenly and I can only imagine what Lach looks like behind me. “I meant that respectfully. I should have asked anyway.”

“The answer would have been no because I don’t have a boyfriend,” I say.

As soon as the last word leaves my mouth, I feel Lachlan’s heat at my back. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me to his chest. I can’t breathe, think, or respond. Barlow doesn’t seem bothered by this. I’d bet money the only reason he’s not pushing is that he knows he’d get his ass kicked in a heartbeat. I continue to let Lach hold me. Not because it feels good or comforting, or because I instantly feel like I belong in them. No, I let him keep his arms around me, only because I don’t want to make a scene, but the moment these people leave, it’s on. God, I hope I can calm down by the time they leave.

“Well then, if you ever change your mind. . .” Barlow shrugs and sprints over to the pitch to join his friends.

“Jesus Christ, Lachlan.” I shimmy hard and he finally drops his arm. I turn and glare at him, expecting that hard look on his face, but I’m met with dancing eyes that I’ve missed more than anything. I swallow and lower my voice. “You can’t just scare off every man who comes near me.”

“No?” He raises an eyebrow. “Watch me.”

“You’re being ridiculous,” I say. “I said no to him way before you came over.”

“You said no and he heard maybe.” His green eyes are hard on mine.

“I can’t deal with you, right now.” I turn around and ignore him.

I say goodbye to most of the kids and speak to a mom about her daughter. When everyone is gone, I take a deep breath and look at the cones I have set up. I was dying to join them on their last drill, and when that guy asked me if I could do it, I really fought the urge to. I decide to go through it once to see if I beat any of their times. I do it, check the stopwatch, and look down the list. Huh. Barlow and one of the other guys beat my time, but not by much.


