Visions of Flesh and Blood (Blood and Ash #5.5) Read Online Jennifer L. Armentrout

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Blood And Ash Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 231436 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1157(@200wpm)___ 926(@250wpm)___ 771(@300wpm)

She realizes the Consort is the true Primal of Life and screams her name, one she didn’t even know she knew, and is suddenly struck by lightning, becoming churning light and shadow with eather wings. Fangs appear, and her Culling comes to fruition.

Poppy goes Primal, and a great battle ensues. When she wakes later, she’s relieved to see all of her fallen friends alive and whole and learns that Reaver took Malec to Iliseeum, Millie ran off, and Malik followed.

Nektas tells everyone about Eythos and Kolis and relays the story of Sotoria. He goes on to say that the Consort’s Ascension was like a cosmic restart, and only if a female descendant was born and Ascended would the reboot happen again. Malec having a child upset the balance and created a loophole for what was done to Kolis to be undone. He says that Callum must be found and dealt with and reveals that Poppy is the Primal of Blood and Bone, the true Primal of Life and Death.

When Poppy tells Nektas that she knows where Ires is, he orders them to take him to the god and says they must also find Jadis so they can return to Iliseeum. Nyktos and the Consort no longer sleep, which means the other gods will wake.

The war has only begun.

In the tunnels under Wayfair, Kieran and Casteel are very overprotective, and Nektas makes fun of them for worrying over and safeguarding her, calling them adorable.

When the tunnels collapse, Cas and Kieran move to protect her, but they realize that she didn’t do it. It wasn’t any of them. It’s the gods.

Poppy gets excited that it could be Penellaphe, her namesake, and asks if she can meet her. Nektas tells her she’ll likely get to meet all of them when the time is right.

I cannot wait to see that.

The group finally reaches Ires, and Poppy isn’t sure what to say or do. She feels super uncomfortable at first and Cas calms her, as Nektas warns that he will be more animal than man.

Poppy touches her father, and he shifts. She talks to him and asks if he remembers her, telling him she’s his daughter. After Kieran gets Ires a banner to wear, the god finds his voice and reaches out to Poppy, telling her he knows who she is.

It was such a touching moment.

They all discuss Jadis, and Ires tells them he believes she’s somewhere in the Willow Plains.

All of a sudden, Poppy gets dizzy. When Nektas asks if she’s slept, she replies that she rested a little. He clarifies that he meant stasis, but she passes out before more can be said.

Kieran and Cas take her to a spare room in the castle and watch over her, telling her stories of their early time together.

When she finally wakes, she shakes the castle, burns a symbol for life and death into the floor, and opens eyes the pure silver of a Primal.

Poppy’s prophecy:

From the desperation of golden crowns and born of mortal flesh, a great primal power rises as the heir to the lands and seas, to the skies and all the realms. A shadow in the ember, a light in the flame, to become a fire in the flesh. When the stars fall from the night, the great mountains crumble into the seas, and old bones raise their swords beside the gods, the false one will be stripped from glory until two born of the same misdeeds, born of the same great and Primal power in the mortal realm. A first daughter, with blood full of fire, fated for the once-promised King. And the second daughter, with blood full of ash and ice, the other half of the future King. Together, they will remake the realms as they usher in the end. And so it will begin with the last Chosen blood spilled, the great conspirator birthed from the flesh and fire of the Primals will awaken as the Harbinger and the Bringer of Death and Destruction to the lands gifted by the gods. Beware, for the end will come from the west to destroy the east and lay waste to all which lies between.

Things of note regarding the prophecy:

~ Alastir tells Poppy the prophecy was written in the bones of Poppy’s namesake.

~ The first glimpse of the prophecy is only this: “With the last chosen blood spilled, the great conspirator birthed from the flesh and the fire of the Primals will awaken as the Harbinger and the Bringer of Death and Destruction to the lands gifted by the gods. Beware, for the end will come from the west to destroy the east and lay waste to all which lies between.”

~ I introduce Cas as the King of Blood and Ash, and Poppy as the Queen of Flesh & Fire to the people.


