We Shouldn’t Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102781 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

Her jaw dropped. “I thought you didn’t remember anything you said that night.”

I smiled sheepishly. “Okay. So that was a lie. But what I said that night—it wasn’t.”

“I don’t understand.”

I took another step toward her. “It was easier to say I didn’t remember saying those things and let you chalk up what I’d admitted to drunken ramblings.”

She looked down for a minute, and when she looked back up, she seemed hesitant to accept what I was saying.

“Why didn’t you want me to remember what you said?”

And there was the million-dollar question. I could’ve given her a perfectly acceptable answer that made sense and was probably the one that should’ve been true—because we’re competing for the same job, and it would’ve been inappropriate—but that answer would have been bullshit.

I owed her some honesty, so I swallowed my pride. “Because every word I said that night is the truth, and it scares the living fuck out of me.”

Her lips parted, and her face flushed a light shade of pink. I loved how she couldn’t lie or get embarrassed without showing it. It made me wonder if it also happened when she was turned on. I bet it did.

“Why does it scare you?” she asked quietly.

The questions just kept getting harder. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to find the right words.

“Because I’ve never been a jealous person. Might not have had a long-term relationship like you have, but I’ve dated enough. Sometimes saw the same person every weekend for months. Yet I never asked what she did during the week. Because I didn’t care. It was always about the day, the time we spent together. Jealousy is about tomorrow.”

She mulled that over for a while, then nodded and asked a question I didn’t expect. “Who is Lucas to you?”

“He’s not my son, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“In the bullpen this afternoon he mentioned he lives with his grandma and you two spend every other Saturday together.”

I nodded. “His mother died, and his father is a deadbeat who doesn’t care if he exists. He’s my godson.”

She turned and looked out the office window. When she turned back, she said, “Anything else you need to say?”

Shit. Had I forgotten something? It sounded like she was prompting me for more. I quickly ran back through everything I’d said…I’d admitted I lied, admitted I thought she was beautiful and had been jealous. What else was there?

Seeing the lost look on my face, she tossed me a life ring. “You’ve been a jerk to me all week. Especially last night at the bar.”

Oh. Yeah. That. I smiled. “Did I mention I was sorry for acting like a dick? Because I could have sworn I led with that.”

She smiled back. “You didn’t mention it, no.”

I took a few steps closer. “I’m sorry for acting like a dick.”

“Again, you mean.”

I nodded. “Yes, again. I’m sorry for acting like a dick again.”

She searched my face. “Okay. Apology accepted. Again.”

“Thank you.” I’d pushed my luck enough with her for the day, so I figured I should take off. “I’ll let you get back to work.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I didn’t really want to leave, so I took my time turning around. She stopped me right before I made it to her doorway. “Bennett?”

I turned back.

“For the record, I find you attractive, too.”

I grinned. “I know.”

She laughed. “God, you’re such a jerk. I think that’s more the reason you’ve never had a Valentine than you not wanting candles and romance.”

“You want me to be your Valentine, don’t you? Probably because you think I’m so hot.”

“Goodnight, Bennett.”

“’Night, beautiful.”

Chapter 23

* * *


The waiter finished refilling our wine glasses. “I’ll check on your dinners. Is there anything else I can bring you in the meantime?”

I looked to Madison and then the waiter. “I think we’re good. Thank you.”

He walked away, and Madison’s eyes followed him.

She lifted her glass to her lips. “You should sleep with him.”

“The waiter? He’s, like, twenty.”

“No. I should sleep with the waiter. You should sleep with the Beast.”

I’d just finished catching her up on the last week of office drama—from our visit with Star Studios and Bennett’s subsequent attitude, to the unexpected weekend, office pop-in and this week’s flirty banter. My relationship with Bennett changed as often as people changed their underwear.

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s a great idea. Sleep with the guy who’s trying to steal my job.”

“Why not? You know that old saying…keep your friends close and fuck the shit out of your enemies.”

I laughed. “That’s not exactly the saying.”

She shrugged. “Let’s be pragmatic about this. You’ve already admitted you’re attracted to each other. It’s not like that’s going to go away. And you need to get back out there. He’s moving in a few months anyway, so he’s the perfect rebound guy.”

“I love that you’ve already decided he’s the one who’s moving and not me.”


