We Shouldn’t Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102781 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

Annalise gave me the evil eye, then spoke to Jonas. “I’ve been to quite a few functions with Lauren and Trent.”

“If you know them so well, why haven’t you pitched them before?”

“Because it was one of those things that, at the time, I thought it was best not to mix business with them.”

What the hell was she being so shady about? “At the time? And now it’s okay to mix business with them? What’s the deal, Annalise?”

She sighed and caught my eye before turning to Jonas. “Lauren is my ex’s sister. The company was actually started by Lauren’s grandparents sixty years ago. But she and her husband mostly run it now. I know them pretty well. Andrew and I were together for eight years.”

“Great. So we’re being judged on three accounts. One, the new creative director wants to get inside her pants, and another, the brother of the owner has already been there.”

“Bennett!” Jonas scolded. “You’re walking a fine line. I know this job is important to you, and in a perfect world, the only advantage in landing an account would be that someone’s pitch is better. So I’ll cut you some slack for being upset. But I will not sit here and listen to you speak about Annalise in that way.”

I stood abruptly. “Fine. Then I’ll leave. It sounds like Annalise will be heading this pitch with the Beckers anyway.”


“You’ve got to be kidding me!” The door shook as it slammed shut behind Annalise.

I scrubbed my hands over my face and growled. “Go back to your office. I’m not in the mood to argue, and I have work to do.”

She marched toward my desk. “You’re acting like a child. I clearly had no idea this account pitch was coming in. I don’t know what you’re so angry about. I’ve proven that I play fair when it comes to clients I have a relationship with.”

“A relationship, huh?” I scoffed. “Thought you didn’t have that relationship anymore.”

Annalise’s brows drew down, and then a look of understanding crossed her face. She moved closer to me. “Is that what this is about? Andrew? I thought you were mad I had an advantage at work.”

Unfamiliar feelings rattled my cage, making me feel like a locked-up lion. My first instinct was to strike out of the hold.

“Who you fuck isn’t any of my business, unless you’re fucking me over at the same time.”

She looked hurt. “Who I fuck isn’t any of your business? I thought we’d decided neither of us would be fucking anyone else.”

I didn’t want to feel bad. I was pissed. Fucking Andrew. If she wasn’t in on it, that douche was playing some sort of a game. This wasn’t a coincidence.

“He might not be good at going down on you, but I found out this morning you’re a little pro at giving head. I’m sure you can take one for the team and drop to your knees to help land the account.”

She reared back and went in for a slap across my face. Only I caught her wrist before it landed.

“Screw you,” she seethed.

I flaunted a smug smile. “Been there, done that.”

Her other hand came up, and she attempted a lefty smack. That one was even easier to catch.

“You’re an asshole.” She glared at me, her chest heaving.

Looking down, I noticed her nipples pointing through her shirt. I let my eyes linger so she would notice what had snagged my attention, and then raised them to meet hers.

“You must like assholes, then.”

“Go to hell,” she hissed.

“I’m already there, sweetheart.”

She looked back and forth between my eyes, and a wicked smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “At least fucking Andrew might lead to something productive. I don’t know what I was thinking wasting my time with you.”

I took a deep breath and felt like a bull letting steam out of its nose. Annalise was waving a red cape in the damn air, challenging me. That thought—the thought of a red cape—reminded me what she’d given me this morning. Moreover, what she wasn’t wearing.

I leaned in to her, nose to nose. “Do you enjoy screwing with me? Are you wet for me right now?”

Yup. I’d lost it. My dick hardened, and I needed to touch her, no matter how insane it might seem.

Her eyes went wide. Still holding her wrists, I tugged them up and lifted her arms into the air. Then I transferred both wrists into one hand and slipped the other under her skirt. Her pussy was warm and soft. If arguing with her was hell, this was heaven.

I couldn’t give her a chance to screw her head on straight and stop me. So without any warning, I went for it. I slipped two fingers inside her, and she gasped. My mouth came crashing down on hers, and I swallowed the tail end of a moan as I pumped my hand three quick times.


