Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“Lalalalala. Too much information. You’re like my son.”

The doorbell rang, cutting us off, and I rolled my eyes. How many times did I have to tell him he could just come in? Especially when I knew he was coming. “Get your ass in here, Linc!”

The door opened slowly, and he stepped inside. He looked hot as hell, like he always did, in black jeans and a baby-blue button-up shirt that matched his eyes. “I said you could just come in.”

“I like to make an entrance. I figure if I ring the bell first, I’ll have an audience. How fun is it to risk walking into an empty room?”

Jude laughed, and I just rolled my eyes playfully. His reply was so fucking Lincoln and so damn perfect.

“Sweet Gay Jesus, I might be the luckiest boy in the room tonight. I’m being escorted by two sexy men.” Lincoln pretended to swoon. I knew it was his way of trying to reach out to Jude and make him feel comfortable. It had been hard sharing what I believed Linc deserved to know without betraying Jude’s confidence at the same time.

“Well, one sexy man and another that’s just okay,” Jude said playfully. “Rush isn’t quite at my level.”

“What am I going to do surrounded by the three of you?” Mom asked. “Have fun, guys. I’m baking cookies…if I don’t eat the dough first. Be safe.” Mom kissed Linc’s cheek, then Jude’s, and finally mine. I almost teased her by asking if we had a curfew, but when I looked over, I saw in Linc’s face how much it meant to him, so I let it go.

Once we were in the car, Linc behind the wheel, Jude said, “So let me get this straight. We’re going to a surprise party for someone named Beau, only it’s not a surprise but Beau and everyone else will be pretending it is? And Beau is dating Ashton Carmichael, who I’ll be getting to meet, and holy fuck, I’m meeting Ashton Carmichael?”

“You met him at the hospital,” Linc said. “When Rush got hurt.”

“I saw him. That’s different. Now I’m going to be hanging out with him.”

Linc laughed. “I believe he gets that reaction often. I remember thanking baby Jesus the moment he walked into Fever Pitch. But then he said he was straight, and I might have died a little inside. Of course, he realized he wasn’t and fell for Beau—who’s my best friend—and I like to give them a hard time about Ash’s effect on people. But really…Ashton who? We have Rush Alexander with us. Swoon!”

“Yeah, you better say that, Red.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“Get a room,” Jude ribbed from the back. “Did Ash really think he was straight? I just figured he was in the closet.”

If Jude was questioning, Ash would likely be a good person for him to talk to. I would be there for him, but it might be weird for Jude too. “Yeah, he really did.”

“Sexuality can be a confusing thing. It’s not as cut-and-dried as some people want to believe. Plus, there’s something in the water in Fever Falls. We turn all the straight boys gay,” Linc teased. “We did it to Jace too.”

“Jace is Hottie Firefighter?” Jude asked.

“We didn’t turn anyone gay.” I shook my head. “Ash was in denial. In some ways he always knew. He kissed Beau when they were in high school. And Jace had always been bi-curious; he just hadn’t acted on it. Ash had always been gay, and Jace had always been bisexual, even if it took them a while to realize it.”

“Um-hmm. Say what you will, but I still believe if you don’t want to like peen, don’t drink the water. But really, who wouldn’t like dick? It’s fan-fucking-tastic. Ugh. Now I’m horny.”

A loud laugh climbed up my throat and jumped out of my mouth just as Jude said, “Oh my God,” but I could hear the humor in his voice. “Is everyone in Fever Falls gay or bi?”

“Only the cool people. Present company excluded.” Linc shrugged, and Jude chuckled. I appreciated the effort he was making with Jude.

Ash and Beau didn’t live too far from me, so we were already pulling into the driveway, heading around back instead of the front where Ash would pull up when he and Beau got home.

We went to the back door, and Kenny, Beau’s brother, opened it the second we knocked.

“Hi, Rush! Hi, Lincoln! Hi, man I don’t know! It’s Beau’s birthday, and we’re having a surprise party for him.” Kenny looked at Jude. “Beau is a hero.”

Jude smiled. “I’ve heard that. I’m grateful to be here to help you celebrate him. I’m Jude, Rush’s friend.”

“Hi, Jude. The more, the merrier. Hurry and come in!”

We followed Kenny inside and realized we were the last to arrive. We made our way to Cam, Sawyer, Jace, Dax, Carter, and Keegan. I introduced everyone to Jude and Jude to the group.


