Whispers of the Raven Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 108342 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Most people keep these online. You must be old school.” She took a sip of the brew and the bitter flavor made her gag. Setting it down, she pushed it aside.

“Oh, they’re online, too. I have to stay current with modern-day technology, but I find that oftentimes, looking at the actual report in your hands can add clarity. Eyes get tired of looking at a computer.” He turned towards her, a pleasant smile on his face. “Our brains get foggy, you know? But holding it… tactile… touch… changes things.” He shrugged. He made his way back over and placed the files in her hands.

“Thank you so much.” She glanced at her watch. “I have an engagement that I’m running late for. Do you mind if I get a copy of these? Of course it will be kept in confidence, and I respect the privacy of—”

“Captain White had already contacted me on your behalf, stating you should be granted permission to receive whatever I can legally permit you to have. I will make you a copy of the reports. Of course, the photos will be copies, too, but they should be fairly clear.”

“Yes, I understand. Would it be possible to have the pictures placed on a drive? That way I could review the originals instead.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a USB that she kept on her keyring just in case.

“Sure. I will need you to sign some confidentiality papers first.”

“No problem.”

He took the USB drive from her and sat down at his laptop. Moments later, he left to make copies of the physical report. As she slipped on her coat and buttoned it, he returned. He exhaled deeply, removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes.

“Are you a believer, Ms. Lee?”

“Believer in what? God?”

“Yes. The Great Creator. The Father of us all.”

“Yes. Why?”

“I am a man of science, but also faith. I know that this isn’t a professional question for me to ask, but I am thankful that is your answer.”

“May I ask again why this matters?”

“Because Satan already has his hands in this, and it’s above our heads. We’re dealing with an almost supernatural sort of evil. I have never seen anything like this in my thirty-eight years of business. We need divine intervention…”

A chill ran down her spine.

“Dr. Carmine, I’m not God, but I am definitely doing all I can. Prayers are more than welcome, but faith without action is dead. I am the action. I promise you that.”

“That’s reassuring to know, Ms. Lee.” He took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing. “I’ve been doing this a long time and must admit that Portland has always provided me with a sense of security. Safety. I’ve worked in larger towns, too, but returned to the place where I was born to work here again, and eventually retire. Since I’ve worked in Portland, Ms. Lee, there’s always been a sense of predictability.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, more times than not, I get people that’ve died of old age, cancer, a car accident, sometimes a drug overdose. Serial murders are not something we see very often around these parts. The cruelty of these particular crimes, and the manner in which these young men were killed has haunted me. I know that the majority of them were taking illegal drugs, but even after all of these years, I still have my humanity. No one deserves to die like this.” His brows bunched and he winced, as if in pain. “These young men were sons. Brothers. Uncles. Friends. Coworkers. Some of them were fathers. To see their lives cut short like this hurts me.

“The police won’t say it but I sure as heck will, and an ex-officer of your caliber certainly knows it, too.” His calming tone turned pointed and accusatory, and his eyes became slits as he pointed his finger in her direction. “This person is a serial killer. They’re targeting young men and strangling them to death! Strangling them with so much anger and force that in the preponderance of the cases, windpipes were completely crushed. Two of the men had their rib cages caved in. Manuel being one of them. I believe by bare hands. The amount of strength, brute force, and extreme physical power to accomplish that would be immense. Either pure adrenaline allowed him to do this, or incredible strength that the average man doesn’t have.”

“It’s possible that a tool was used, especially regarding the rib cage fractures.”

“Sure, but there was no evidence of a weapon being used to achieve these results, either. This guy is extremely dangerous, and I am deeply concerned. Now look,” he waved his hands, “I’m not you… I’m not Captain White…I don’t pretend to be. You two are experts in this area. I’m just a Medical Examiner who knows quite a bit about violent crime, and I’m telling you that more bodies are going to show up if you guys don’t find this man. I have friends in my profession who’ve had the misfortune of seeing cases like this, and they agree with me. He’s addicted to the pain he causes—he’s on a high. When he comes down from that high, and needs to re-up, Portland is in trouble again…”


