Whispers of the Raven Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 108342 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Rude,” she muttered.

He turned up the music, needing something to drown out the screams soon to cum…

Making his way over to the small white basin stained with splashes of silver paint, he turned on the water and grabbed the dirty bar of soap. There was a small mirror above the sink through which, even in the darkness, he could see her moving about.


Vigorously washing his hands, he shook them to get more of the water off, then turned off the spigot and dried them on a paper towel. He walked up to her, leaving barely six inches between them, and roughly pulled his zipper down. Her eyes glazed and a tiny dose of trepidation appeared in them before she whisked it away.

He yanked her shoulder, pulled her forcefully into his circle of arms. Then, he whispered in her ear, “You’re disrupting me at work…” His lips curled in a grin.

“So? You disrupt me while I’m working sometimes, too.”

“You’re distracting me with your beauty. Your tits. Your booty. I’m going to fuck you like an animal…”

A rush of plum marked her cheeks. She slipped her hand along his jaw and dragged it down his face before pressing her mouth to his.

“I’d expect nothing less.” She sealed her words with a kiss.

A thunderous crash filled the room as he swept shit off his work bench with a swift swing of his arm. Then, he pushed her down onto the bench, bending her at the waist, bringing her flush onto the cold concrete table. A large thin sheet of metal stood against the wall before them, acting as an odd, funhouse type mirror. Her breasts compressed against the bench, and she pressed her hands flat down upon it, as if she were being placed under arrest. After knocking her thighs apart, he squeezed her left ass cheek. She shuddered as she drew in a sharp breath. He slipped his finger inside of her soaking, tight hole, gliding it in and out. A sloshing, wet sound soon followed as he finger-fucked her aquatic garden, getting her primed for him. Tame Impala’s, ‘Eventually’ blasted through the speakers at that moment. Placing his hand on the dip of her lower back, he entered her with a sharp thrust.

“Mmmm! Pussy so fucking wet and good, baby…” He groaned and gripped her hips, slamming into her.

She clutched the edge of the table with both hands, her reflection warped and beautifully strange in the sheet of thin metal. The music shifted to Queen Latifah’s, ‘Just Another Day’. He pumped punishingly within her, vying to extract her secrets, her hopes and dreams without her saying a word. She sighed and screamed as he lay on top of her back, kissing her face, intertwining their fingers. He rocked his hips, plunging deeper. Faster. Rougher. No matter how much, it didn’t matter. He needed more. He was on a rush. A high.


“Oh, shit!” she wailed as she started to shake, dripping all over his dick. “Don’t stop, Nik! Oh, God! Please don’t stop!” she cried, covering her face with a trembling hand.

He rose up, pulled back, then drove into her with brute force. She came again, this time harder than the first. His nuts were sticky with her dripping essence, and he wanted more of her. All of her. He leaned over to grab her by the chin and turn her face to kiss her. Their lips locked, he kept pounding inside of her, his calf muscles burning as he surged forward, over and over again. The heat in the room, the heat from her body, the heat of his love for her compelled him. Common’s ‘The Light’ came on as she lifted herself up from the table, palms on the concrete. As she stared at him through the distorted metal reflection, he thrust his tongue out at her and wiggled it, teasing her… making her laugh.

“You like to watch, huh?” He jetted his tongue out again and crossed his eyes, making her laugh once more.

“Yeah… that lovely, long, fat tongue of yours is just as talented as your big dick. You’re an incredibly skilled lover. Makes me wonder how you learned to fuck like this?”

“Years of practice.” He winked at her through the metal reflection.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” She reached behind herself, tears streaming down her cheeks from her orgasm, and loosely held onto the base of his cock as he slid in and out of her. He felt a wave of ease then, as if her pussy were a lullaby, rocking him to the land of euphoria.


“Mmm hmm.” She brandished an evil grin.

His eyes strained as he felt a sudden grip around his throat. And then, he settled, enjoying the sensations as she strangled the black raven that was etched on his throat…

After a few moments, he laughed and gripped her fingers, plying them away, one by one. She was strong, but not strong enough…


