Wicked Choice Read Online Sawyer Bennett (The Wicked Horse Vegas #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Wicked Horse Vegas Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71348 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 357(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

We’ve fucked twice now, both times beyond amazing. She’s carrying my child. I’m going to be a part of this pregnancy, so we are going to be spending time together. I intend to push her boundaries as hard as I can because when it boils right down to it, I’m still holding out hope that she might want to be a part of our baby’s life.

Not to mention… the benefits of fucking Rachel over the next several months are unparalleled. It’s true that I’d had sex with other women at The Wicked Horse since Rachel and I were together, but why wouldn’t I? She and I had no commitment to each other, and we’d thought it would be a onetime-only thing. But knowing she’s pregnant with my kid, God help me… I fucking want her bad. If I have to go a little alpha to keep her underneath me, I’m going to do it.

The door off the waiting room opens, and a nurse steps out. She looks out and says, “Rachel Hart.”

Rachel jolts, and her head snaps up to look at the nurse. I push from my chair, pulling Rachel up by her elbow. “Here we go,” I say with a squeeze.

We’re led to a room that has an examination table with stirrups sticking out the end. There’s a short counter with the sink and cabinets above it and a tiny chair in the corner, as well as a rolling stool for the doctor to sit on. I note a medical illustration on the wall that shows the stages of pregnancy, each drawing of the woman and the baby inside advancing in size during each trimester.

“Dr. Anchors is running just a little bit behind schedule,” the nurse says while she pulls a paper gown from one of the cabinets. “Go ahead and remove all of your clothing, then put this on. He shouldn’t be much more than fifteen or twenty minutes.”

“Thank you,” Rachel mutters as she takes the gown.

When the nurse closes the door, Rachel moves over to the chair in the corner and sets her purse down. She proceeds to mechanically remove her clothes, seemingly not bothered I’m in the room and watching. Since I’ve already seen her bare body up close and personal, she must not mind, and I’m certainly enjoying the view.

Rachel is a spectacularly built woman. She’s tall and lithe, with toned muscles. Her stomach is flat, and I wonder when that will change. Her breasts are large and full, and I know they’ll swell further. Once Rachel told me she was going to carry the baby, I’d scoured the internet and became quite versed in pregnancy. Since I intend to have my mouth on those breasts, I can gauge her discomfort by how she responds to me biting her nipples.

The thought causes my dick to thump in my pants. I have a feeling that is going to be a major problem for me in the months to come when I’m around her.

When Rachel has the gown wrapped around her body, she sits on the end of the exam table and crosses her feet at her ankles.

“Did you sleep good last night?” I ask, coming to stand beside her.

Shrugging, she picks at the paper covering her legs. She’s being awfully withdrawn, and that just won’t do. Particularly if she’s having doubts about what we did at the club.

I scoot in closer and bend my head down to murmur, “Well, I couldn’t get to sleep last night. Not thinking about the way you came all over my cock.”

Her head snaps up, and she turns to glare at me. My return smile is lazy and filled with mischief.

“Had to jack off because thinking about you made my dick so hard,” I tell her with a grin.

I thought perhaps my teasing would make her angry, but I’m more than thrilled to see her eyes dilate slightly. She swallows hard. I step up to the edge of the table, and place my right hand just behind her ass so I can lean into her. Tilting my head, I nuzzle her neck. “And just so you don’t forget, Rachel, I’m the only one fucking you.”

My lips move, and then press against the skin just above her collarbone. I smile when she hisses, “That’s fine. We’ll fuck each other’s brains out until this baby comes. But I don’t want anyone to know.”

I lift my head and stare down at her with an amused smile. “Why are you so bent out of shape about the idea of us together?”

She brings a palm to my chest and pushes against me. “I’m not bent out of shape. I just don’t like someone up in my space all the time.”

Laughter rumbles from deep within my chest, and I give her a chiding shake of my head. My hand goes to her bare knee, and starts sliding up her leg underneath the gown. The crisp paper crackles and rasps against her skin as it moves up. I can feel goose bumps as my hand reaches mid-thigh.


