Be Mine Forever – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“We’ve gotten a lot done.” Sebastian’s fingers hovered over his perfectly pomaded hair but never quite touched it. “You scoped locations for the painting. And met the production team.”

“Yeah, I know. We found some good bridges, but I’d like to know more about the story before I start going too far down any path in my head.”

Cam’s art had been used before for music videos and even a couple of films, but this was the first time he was being commissioned to paint specifically for the story line, instead of pulling from pieces he had already created.

“I want to get this over with so we can head back home.” Cam coughed to hide his smile. Thinking about Jo did that to his mouth. So despite having to leave before they’d gotten to cover any more of his past—and, hey, no complaints from him on that score—he was smiling a lot more than he had planned to on this trip.

“You know, you’ve been a real spoilsport ever since we left Rivermont.”

“Dude, did you just say ‘spoilsport’?” Cam offered his open palm. “Give it. Right now.”

“What?” Sebastian furrowed his brow. (That really was the only way to describe it. A real life furrow.) “Give what?”

“Your man card. No guy says ‘spoilsport’ and gets away with it.” Cam chuckled when Sebastian just rolled his eyes and adjusted his lightweight linen jacket. “And did you come as Sonny Crockett? Did someone forget to tell me it was National Miami Vice Day?”

Sebastian allowed his stiff mouth to loosen just enough to crack a smile.

“Oh, and you’re such a clotheshorse.” He gestured to Cam’s battered jeans, Walsh Foundation T-shirt, and Chucks.

“Clotheshorse?” Cam shook his head. “If you weren’t already out of man cards, I’d have to take it for that one, too. You gotta stop watching BBC, Bash.”

“You know I love Sherlock and Downton.”

“To each his own.” Cam pulled out his phone, checking for the fifty millionth time to see if he had a text or voice mail from Jo.

Nope. Cam slumped in the teak patio chair. God, he missed her.

“You expecting a call?” Sebastian reached for the fruity appetizers that had been left out for them while they waited for this producer to finally show. “You keep checking your phone.”

“Was hoping for a call from my girl, but she’s in meetings all afternoon.”

With damn Peter.

Cam gripped the phone a little tighter. He knew Jo was all his, but being married to someone who’d hidden from her feelings for another man for years? Especially when that man was your best friend? Yeah, that chafed.

Chafed? He was worse than Bash.

“You have a girl?”

Cam looked up from his phone a little at a time until he encountered Sebastian’s curious stare.

“You didn’t think I could get a girl, or something?”

“Obviously you could. You have.” Bash gave him an envy-sprinkled grin. “Quite a lot of them actually. I just didn’t think you had a girl. Like one.”

“Well, you’re my agent, not my BFF, so maybe there’s stuff you don’t know.”

“Who is she?”

Cam cracked his neck. He didn’t have time for this. He looked back toward the house, willing Producer Man to walk through the door any minute now. He wasn’t sure why he was so reluctant to talk about his relationship with Jo. Probably because anyone who knew her would wonder the same thing he did: What the hell was she thinking? Didn’t she know she could do better?

“Is this guy coming, or what, Bash?”

“Tell me who she is.” Now Sebastian was just enjoying himself. Cam had seen that glint in his eye once before. “Somebody I know?”

“Yeah, I guess you know her.”

Who didn’t?

“That hotel heiress?”

Cam had forgotten Bash and Etty met in Paris.

“No, Etty and I are just friends. Always. I’m not getting on that crazy train.”

“That art student you took home that night? She was American, right?” Sebastian wiggled his eyebrows. He was probably going for suggestive, but it just looked like a creepy Garfield.

“No. We just had that one night.” And apparently I was too rough for her. “That was more than enough.”

“What’s with all the guessing?” Sebastian’s impatience elbowed out the curiosity in his tone.

“It’s Jo.”

A moment of silence for the death of all Sebastian’s preconceived notions.

“Jo as in Jo Walsh?” Sebastian’s eyebrows almost disappeared into the small patch of hair he left hanging over his forehead to appear less uptight. “She’s not dating that guy Peter?”

“No, she’s not dating damn Peter.” The anger was irrational. Cam knew that, but he couldn’t stem the flow of it through his veins and out of his mouth. “Where’d you hear that?”

Sebastian raised his hands like Cam’s words were a stickup.

“I just saw them out a few times weeks ago. Must have been before the two of you were a thing. Easy.”

There was nothing “easy” about this. Waiting for this guy to show when he really just wanted to be back in Rivermont, sorting things out with Jo so they could move on.


