Be Mine Forever – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 473(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 315(@300wpm)

“Yes.” He drew in a deep breath. “This smell right here. That’s the one I missed. I finished up a day early. Wanted to surprise you.”

As much as Jo’s heart stuttered in her chest at the sight of his camouflage shorts, fitted black T-shirt with a huge middle finger on the front, and his dark hair caressing his neck and ears, the sight of how good he looked only served to remind her of the pending morning grooming session.

“Cam, no.” Her hand went to the messy topknot on her head. “I had a plan.”

“What kind of plan?” He dipped his head and slow-pushed his tongue into her mouth, groaning and thrusting between her legs. “God, baby. Being away from you has been torture.”

Jo’s hips, with a mind of their own, pushed back into the hardness only getting harder at the juncture of her thighs. She wrapped her legs, ancient yoga pants and all, around the back of his calves and sent one hand up his shirt, stroking the naked muscles of his back.

“That feels so good, Jo.” Cam pulled her chin between his lips, reaching up to dislodge the scrunchie holding her hair up.

Scrunchie! Her limp, wild hair spilled everywhere. Her breath was just shy of salmon, thanks to the quick brush. She wore a T-shirt from Cam’s dirty clothes hamper.

“Is that my T-shirt?” He lifted enough to stare down at the word Sorbonne written across her chest.

“I ran out of clean clothes?”

Cam’s chuckle tickled her chest.

“Somehow I doubt that. I— Ouch! What the hell was that?”

Jo slid from under him, standing to rifle through the fluffy covers until she found her knitting needles.

“This.” She held up a needle for him to see before setting it on the bedside table. “Sorry. I was knitting sweaters for the girls.”

“You knit?” Cam jerked his brows together, but his full lips pulled into a smile. “That’s kind of hot old lady. Will you knit me something?”

He came up on his knees, drawing her closer until her knees touched the mattress. He slipped one hand into her yoga pants, cupping her butt. His other hand seduced her scalp, massaging into the hair at the back of her neck. He tugged until their lips met, but not in a kiss. Just delectable contact. The promise of ravishment.

“I fell asleep on the plane.” Cam pulled her top lip between his and sucked and groaned, pulling her back up on the bed until she faced him, both of them on their knees. “And I dreamed about your ass.”

Jo laughed against his mouth, drawing his bottom lip between hers, repaying a luscious favor.

“You dreamt about my butt?”

“You don’t get it.” Cam smiled into their kiss, running his hands over her braless back under the T-shirt. “I’ve always hated falling asleep on planes. Who knew what I would say or do in my sleep? It was embarrassing tonight because I woke up with my hand wrapped around my dick, but that’s better than swinging and screaming.”

Jo smiled for a moment but couldn’t hold on to it at the thought of him swinging and screaming in his sleep.

“Oh, Cam.” She pushed the hair off his forehead and behind his ears. “Baby.”

“But I didn’t wake up that way. I’ve been sleeping better since we talked.”

“No nightmares?” Hope pulled at the corners of her mouth and lightened her voice.

Cam’s face tried to close off, but she could almost see the effort he made to keep himself open to her. He was really trying.

“I can’t say none, but it hasn’t been every night.” He moved his fingers from her butt to her front, slipping his hand between her legs. “Now you, I dreamt about every night.”

He slipped two fingers inside of her with so much confidence, like he was already intimately acquainted with the lips his fingers were caressing. Like he owned that needy, wet spot.

And maybe he did. Maybe he always had. Maybe that was why Jo had never felt urgent for anyone else. Even at the heights with other men, she’d never felt the fire Cam was stoking with just the barest, most subtle movements inside of her with his fingers.

“I want this.” He withdrew his fingers, palming her, pressing into her with his whole hand. “I want us tonight.”

The edges of Jo’s sanity peeled off like paper burning in a flame. She held on just enough to pull away. Remember the lady garden.

“Cam, not tonight. Baby, please, not tonight.”

Cam’s hand went still and he pulled back, a frown over his eyes.

“You don’t want…Are you scared?” He scooted back an inch or two on the bed, still on his knees. “I get it. A few less nightmares doesn’t make me safe. I’m not safe. You’re right. I don’t even trust myself.” He bounded off the bed, walking over to the mantel and gathering his keys. “I’m sorry. I assumed…I shouldn’t have.”


