Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

An hour later, the bar is crammed full and Jesse is still nowhere to be seen. Soft jazz is playing in the background and the sound of happy chatter is prominent in the air. The men all look fine in tuxes and suits and the woman have all gone to town in various gowns and cocktail dresses. I’m not ignorant to the fact that I seem to be the choice of conversation for many groups of people, particularly women, who make a rubbish job at hiding their interest. The thing that is bothering me the most, though, is my unreasonable, enquiring mind that keeps wondering just how many of them Jesse has slept with. It’s a depressing thought and one I don’t think I will ever shake off.

I’m on my third glass of the Most Marvelous stuff and sipping it cautiously. Drew has arrived and actually looks no different to normal. He always looks well groomed and precise. I exhale and relax when I feel two big palms rest on my hips and his fresh water, minty loveliness drift into my nose. Where has he been?

His chin rests on my shoulder. ‘I’ve neglected you.’

I crane my neck to see him. ‘Yes, you have. Where have you been?’

‘I couldn’t get two yards without someone making a play for me. I’m all yours now, I promise.’ He pushes his front into my back and leans over to shake hands with the boys’ before leaning towards Kate so she can kiss his cheek. I can guarantee that all of the someone’s who he couldn’t get two yards past were women. ‘Is everyone good?’ he asks as he waves Mario for some water.

‘We will be when dinner is out the way.’ Sam grins and chinks bottles with Drew. I know what he’s getting at, and I distinctively remember Jesse giving firm instructions for the upstairs to remain locked until ten thirty. Now I know why; to keep keen people, such as Sam, out.

I’m suddenly attacked with a very worrying thought. Bloody hell, will Kate be disappearing upstairs later? I look at her with wide eyes, but damn her, she won’t look at me. She knows what I’m thinking – I can tell by the way she’s turning her body further away from me, hiding her face.

‘Ten thirty.’ Jesse says sternly. He pulls me off the stool and sits there himself before pulling me down onto his lap and burying his face into my neck. Sam and Drew throw each other disapproving looks and Kate still refuses to look at me.

‘I want to lay you on that bar and take my time peeling all of this lace off.’ he whispers in my ear. I stiffen over him and silently wish for him to shut up immediately before I oblige and climb up onto the bar for him. He pushes his groin up into my backside. ‘What’s under the dress?’

‘More lace.’ I say quietly on a smile, and he groans in my ear. Why did I say that? I need to curb the sex talk, not encourage it.

‘You’re fucking killing me.’ He nips my ear, causing shivers to bolt through me.

‘You have to stop.’ I warn, rather unconvincingly. It will take him a week to get me out of this dress and back in it again. Actually, it probably wouldn’t take him that long at all. He’ll lose his patience and rip it off, in which case, I won’t be putting it back on.

‘Never.’ His tongue dips into my ear, and I close my eyes on a sigh.

‘You guys!’ Kate playfully slaps Jesse’s shoulder. ‘Put her down!’

‘Yeah, you’re restraining our sexual needs, but it’s okay for you to sit there and fondle your girl.’ Sam complains.

Jesse lands Sam with a reproachful glare. ‘Try and stop me. I’ll shut up shop now and take her home.’

‘You’re trampling your mates now.’ I laugh, and they all start laughing with me. I feel Jesse resume nibbling at my nape. ‘Who’s that?’ I ask.

‘Who’s who?’ His head comes up from my neck, and I nod towards a woman stood in the entrance of the bar with a cream shift dress on. She’s probably early thirties, with black bobbed hair and pretty features. I wouldn’t have paid much attention, but she is staring straight at us and she’s alone.

She starts walking towards us, and I feel Jesse tense under me. Sam and Drew shut up immediately, which only serves to make me even more wary. Who the hell is she?

When she reaches our group, she stops, keeping her eyes on Jesse. The tension is tangible and I glance at Kate to find a heavy frown on her forehead as she looks at the woman stood silently in front of us. Then I’m suddenly standing and being positioned back on the stool, minus one Jesse beneath me.


