Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

Pete appears with a tray of canapés. ‘Ava, you look wonderful.’ He presents me with the tray. ‘Would you like a canapé?’

I take in the glorious smell of smoked salmon and spy the small flat breads caked in cream cheese. ‘Ah, Pete.’ I place my hand on my stomach. ‘I’m still full from lunch.’ I have no idea how I’m going to manage a three course meal. I’ll burst out of this dress.

‘Ava, you hardly ate your lunch.’ He gives me a disapproving look and carries on his way. ‘Enjoy your evening.’

‘You too, Pete.’ I reply, feeling immediately silly for telling a member of Jesse’s staff to enjoy their evening of working hard, but he’s right, I didn’t finish my lunch. That’s because I lost my appetite when Sarah rocked up and it’s probably why I’m not hungry now either.

I turn back to the bar and find my glass has been filled again. I search Mario out and spot him across the bar repositioning some stools. He catches my eye and gives me a cheeky grin, while I hold my glass up and give him a frown. He ignores it and carries on moving stools about. I’ll have to be careful. I’ve had two glasses of this Most Marvelous concoction already, and I have no idea what’s in it. I can’t be falling about all over the place when people start arriving.


I jump into standing position as Kate’s excited shriek hammers me from the side.

‘Whoa!’ She skids to a stop in front of me, her eyes popping out of her head. ‘Fucking hell!’

‘I know.’ I grumble. ‘I’m petrified of the damn thing. It should be in a safe.’ I reach up and fiddle with it again, and Kate bats my hand away to cop a feel herself.

‘Wow! That is some serious special.’ She drops the diamond and stands back to eye me up. ‘Look at you! Someone has been thoroughly spoilt today.’

I laugh. I think what I have been today is way past spoilt. ‘What about you?’ I grab her hands and hold them out to the side. ‘I love the dress.’ I send her on a little twirl. She looks fabulous, as always, in a long, green gown, her red locks vibrant and piled high on her head. ‘Do you want a drink? You have to try this stuff.’ I grasp my glass from the bar and hold it up. ‘Here, sit. Where’s Sam?’

She pushes herself onto the stool and rolls her eyes. ‘He wouldn’t let any of the valets park his car. He thinks they’re all driving morons who can’t handle the power of a Carrera.’ She laughs. ‘Where’s Jesse?’

My smile disappears. ‘Sarah dragged him off somewhere,’ I glance at the clock and note he’s been gone for over an hour. ‘Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice a certain Carrera, with a certain red head in it, pulling into The Manor yesterday evening.’ I say casually as I sip my drink, eyeing her reaction over the rim of my glass.

My fiery, red head friend fires me a fiery glare. ‘Yes, Ava. You’ve already pointed that out.’ she says haughtily. ‘Get me that drink.’

I shake my head, but I don’t press her. ‘Mario?’ I call, and he waves his acknowledgment as he walks over. ‘This is my friend Kate. Kate, this is Mario.’

‘Yes, we’ve met.’ Kate smiles at Mario.

‘How are you this evening, Kate?’ Mario blesses her with one of his lovely warm smiles.

‘I’ll be better when you get me one of those.’ She points to my glass, and Mario laughs before going to fetch his glass jug of the Most Marvelous stuff.

Of course they’ve met. I’m so envious of her laidback nature. Mario returns with his jug and I slap my hand over my glass when he tries and fill mine again, throwing him a playful, warning look. He shrugs, muttering something in Italian and fighting a smile, clearly trying to pretend he’s offended.

‘Where’s the love?’

We both turn and see Sam stood, legs spread and arms extended in the entrance of the bar. He looks unusually smart, compared to his traditional baggy jeans and t-shirt combo. He straightens his suit jacket and waltzes to the bar confidently, shouting for a bottle of beer as he approaches. He may look smart, but his hair is its usual mop of brown, messy waves and his cheeky grin and dimple are ever present.

‘Ladies! May I say how damn fine you’re both looking this pleasant evening?’ He kisses my cheek and then lavishes Kate with a dramatic sloppy one. She bats him away, laughing. ‘Where’s my man?’ he asks, glancing around the bar.

I want to correct him and tell him that Jesse is, in fact, my man, but I think I might be in the realms of trampling if I do that. I laugh to myself and at my little mental trample. ‘He’s in his office.’ I say, taking another sip of my drink. I’m pacing myself, but this stuff is delicious and going down a treat. I feel better now that Kate is here, my mind distracted from the fact that Jesse is still missing.


