Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

He bellows, his groin shoots up and he pushes my head down onto him, his tip pushing against the back of my throat.

He comes.

I swallow.

We both moan.

‘Fucking hell, woman.’ he pants, withdrawing from my mouth and pulling me up his body. ‘Fucking, fucking hell.’ He takes my lips again, sweeping his tongue through my mouth, sharing his salty essence. ‘I take it that means you’re sorry.’ he puffs between firm lashes of his tongue.

I have unwittingly just given him an apology fuck. Am I sorry? For being a complete unreasonable, possessive fool…just like him? ‘No, I’m not.’ I affirm. I’m really not. Our tongues keep up together, both of our groans and shifting hands working all over each other’s bodies.

I reach back down and wrap my hand around his semi-erect length, relentlessly working him while we both tackle each other’s mouths hard…aggressively. I’m not prepared to stop. He pulls away, panting, his chest heaving, but I don’t give up. I push my abused lips back to his, plunging my tongue in, continuing with my frantic handling of his cock.

‘Ava, stop.’ He grabs my hand from is groin and turns his face to break our lip contact.

I don’t give up, even now. I fight him, urgently smothering him with my mouth. He’s never refused me before.

‘Ava! Please!’ He loses his patience and pushes me over onto my back, pinning me under his body.

I feel tears stabbing at my eyes. I’m more desperate than any of those women. I’m not dealing with this well at all. A sob slips through my lips and I turn away from him, completely ashamed.

‘Baby, don’t.’ he pleads softly, pulling my face back to his and brushing my wild hair from my face. He gazes down at me, almost in sympathy. ‘I understand.’ he whispers, wiping his thumb under my eye. ‘Don’t cry.’ he skims my lips with his. ‘It’s always just you.’

I blink back my tears. ‘I’m not coping with this.’ I reach up to touch his face. ‘I feel violent.’ I admit. I can’t believe I just openly volunteered that information, and I’m stunned I really do feel like that. ‘Mine.’ I say quietly.

He nods. He gets it. ‘Always just yours.’ He pulls my palm to his lips and kisses it firmly. ‘Please, ignore them. They’re shocked, that’s all. Their noses have been put firmly out of joint by a young, dark eyed, breathtaking beauty. My beauty.’

‘You’re my beauty.’ I affirm harshly.

‘All of me, Ava. Every single piece.’ Shifting his body, he rests himself all over me, completely coating me. He grasps my face in his palms, his green eyes staring down at me. ‘Ava, you own me.’ He places his lips on mine, ‘Do you understand me?’

I nod in his hold, feeling weak and needy.

‘Good girl.’ he whispers. ‘You are mine and I am yours.’

I nod again for fear of wailing if I open my mouth. I didn’t think I could love him more.

He runs his palms over my cheeks and his eyes scan every inch of my face. ‘I know this is hard for you.’

‘I love you.’ I just about manage to get the words out.

‘I know you do. And I you.’ He sits up and secures himself before helping me up. ‘We’ll make friends properly later. I don’t want to trample your dress,’ He smiles a little and spins me around. ‘It looks like it needs a bit of patience and we all know how little of that I have when it comes to you.’ He turns me back and rubs his nose over mine. ‘Better?’


‘Good. Let’s go.’ He takes my hand and leads me to the door, dropping it briefly to shift the sideboard back, before reclaiming it and leading me back to the party. I feel so much better. He understands.

Chapter 22

The band has started and people have filtered into the summer room.

‘Motown?’ I ask, a little surprised as I’m pulled through the few tables left set up.

‘They’re a great band. You want to dance?’ He glances down at me with a half-smile, and I’m reminded that my man has some serious moves.

‘Later.’ I’m conscious that Kate is probably wondering what has happened and where I am. He nods and takes me through to the bar.

My stool is free and I’m lifted onto it. Kate, Drew and Sam are all holding position at the bar and all seem to be lit up, the alcohol flowing well.

‘Where have you been?’ Kate enquires, flicking a cautious glare at Jesse.

‘In Jesse’s office discussing a certain female who he called to free him after I left him handcuffed to the bed.’ I blurt it all out quietly while I keep my eye on Jesse to ensure he’s not listening. He’s too busy ordering drinks with Mario.

‘You left him there?’ Kate face is somewhere between shock and amusement.


