Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

Oh good Lord. I feel Jesse tug my hand, and I look up at him, finding a cautious face. There must be no denying the look on mine. Please don’t tell me he has done this sort of stuff.

‘Come on, you’ve seen enough.’ He pulls me towards the doors that will take me away from all of this. Jesus, the reality of this place has just slammed right into my poor, innocent brain.


‘Don’t, Ava.’ He shakes his head without looking at me. He knows what I’m thinking. The inadequacy has returned, harder, more forcefully than before. ‘I just need you.’ he says, still refusing to meet my eyes.

‘Have –’

‘I said, don’t.’ He carries on leading me, and I choose not to push for anymore, not that I’d get an answer. I can’t think of him like that.

As we reach the door, Natasha intercepts our escape. She’s naked, except for a microscopic pair of satin knickers, her boobs jiggling all over the place as she comes to a stop in front of us. I don’t know where to look.

‘You’re a bit overdressed, Jesse.’ she purrs.

What? After what I’ve just endured, this is a sure fire way to tip me over the edge. I could slap her. My hand balls into a fist and my jaw tenses, but Jesse diverts us, taking us around to the side. ‘Have some fucking respect, Natasha.’ he snaps.

My simmering anger transforms into smugness at Jesse’s short, curt retort to Natasha’s impertinent performance, as we leave the communal room and an undoubtedly sour faced Natasha behind.

‘I would like to send a memo too.’ I say sardonically as he guides me down the stairs. These women need to be put in their place. They are a load of desperate, malevolent losers.

He laughs. ‘Whatever you want, Ava.’

Really? It would save the hassle of accosting each and every one and dishing out the warnings. I might take him up on that offer, and I might also compile a staff memo reflecting the same subject matter. I would only need one copy of that one, though. How many copies would I need for the female members?

‘Do you want a drink?’ Jesse asks, as we approach the bar.

‘Please.’ I’m trying not to sound hurt, but I know I’m failing miserably.

He looks at me and by his thoughtful expression and his lip nibbling, I can tell he’s regretting taking me up there. I’m regretting it too. This has not helped me in attempting to deal with Jesse’s history.

‘Why did you take me up there?’ I ask. He knew what I was going to see. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t that.

‘You want me to be more open with you.’

He’s right. I do. I’m regretting that too. I’ll never be able to wipe those sights from my mind, but I don’t see strange men up there, kneeling or pleasuring. All I see is Jesse. I feel sick, but I asked for it.

‘I never want to go up there again.’

‘Then you won’t.’ he answers immediately.

‘And I never want you to go up there either.’ I’m being unreasonable by asking him to avoid the epicenter of his business.

He studies me carefully. ‘I’ve no need to go up there. Everything I need is standing within touching distance and I plan on keeping her that close.’

I nod my head, my eyes darting across his body. ‘Thank you.’ I say quietly, feeling guilty for making such a demand and even guiltier that he’s submitted with no questions, arguments or challenging.

He pushes my hair from my face gently. ‘You find Kate and I’ll get the drinks.’


‘Go.’ He turns me around, sending me on my way.

I make my way through to the summer room, avoiding the toilets, even though I could do with a wee. The dance floor is busy and I spy Kate immediately, her red hair a beacon in the crowd. I step onto the dance floor as Otis Reading’s Love Man kicks in and Kate screams, thrilled at my arrival and the track.

‘Where have you been?’ she yells over the music.

‘A tour of the communal room.’ I shrug, but then the hideous thought of Kate up there stamps all over my mind. Oh God no!

Her big blues widen in astonishment, and then her pale face breaks out in a big grin. This does not assist in ridding my head of such unbearably awful thoughts. She grabs my hand and I grasp my dress so I can join her. Sam and Drew are very well oiled and performing some pretty criminal moves as they attract the attention of many women on the dance floor. Kate doesn’t seem to mind. She keeps her hand in mine and rolls her eyes at her wayward fellow and his cheeky grin. She is as laidback and unthreatened as ever, but Sam, it would seem, is not so. He soon yanks her away from a man dancing a bit too close for his liking.


