Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

‘And how’s Sam?’ Tom turns his attention to Kate.

‘Why? Do you still want to screw him?’ she jokes, winking at me. Tom flushes from head to toe and flashes Kate a gay, dirty look. It still staggers me how he is so taken by laidback, casual, goodtime junky Sam.

‘No,’ He tuts and crosses his legs. It’s the gayest possible gesture. ‘I was just being polite. How’s Jesse?’

My glass is just touching my lips, ready for a tilt and gulp, when he asks the question. He can’t be avoided all night and I am marrying the man. It’s common knowledge that he’s challenging…but only with me. Everyone sat at this table – and quite a few who are not – have seen him in action at some point.

‘Why? You want to screw him too?’ Kate jumps in with her tongue and cheek question, and I burst into laughter as Tom gapes at her.

He looks between us in disgust. ‘So, it’s pick on Tom night, is it?’

‘Looks like it.’ I say and raise my glass. ‘Tom, Jesse would blow…your…mind.’ I say seriously.

‘Ava!’ he gasps.

‘Oh, please! I have to endure torturous stories of your sexual encounters.’

Kate laughs. ‘I’m going for a fag if we’re getting into Tom’s sex life.’ She jumps down from the stool and makes her way to the smoking area.

‘I need the lavatory.’ Tom grumbles, and clears off to the toilets, leaving me people watching, a pastime I usually enjoy, but then Matt comes into my field of vision and I find myself ducking slightly.


My ring is suddenly burning through the flesh of my finger and I’m breaking out in a sweat. I didn’t reply to his apology text and I know the slimy worm has been on the phone to my parents again. Just when I think I’ve evaded him, his beady eyes land on me like a kettle-bell and I sag on my stool as he approaches. I glance around the bar, mindful that the doorman could be watching out for me, and then return my eyes to Matt, catching a glimpse of a healing black eye. I mentally applaud Jesse and suddenly wish I had relented and stayed at home with him.

‘Ava.’ he greets cheerfully, as if nothing has happened, as if he hasn’t been feeding my parents duff information and spouting off that Jesse’s an alcoholic, which promptly reminds me that he knows about Jesse’s issue.

How? But he’s not an alcoholic. I ignore the small part of my brain currently advising me that I might be in slight denial. ‘Matt, I think it is probably best if you leave.’ I maintain a steady, firm voice.

‘Oh?’ He looks truly shocked. ‘Ava, please hear me out. I couldn’t be sorrier, really. I was a complete twat. I deserved everything.’ He shifts uncomfortably on his feet and stares into his pint glass. ‘If you’re with someone else now, then I accept that.’ he says quietly. ‘I’m gutted, but I accept it.’

I keep my hands under the table, the ring firmly out of sight. I have to ask, I can’t help it. ‘How do you know about Jesse?’

His shocked eyes fly up from his pint glass. ‘So, you’re still seeing him then?’

‘That’s none of your business, Matt. And why are you ringing my parents, telling them a load of crap?’

‘Is it crap?’ he shoots back.

‘Who have you been talking to?’

‘No one.’ He won’t meet my eyes, but then he leans his elbows on the table and gets too close. ‘Ava, I still want you back.’

My back straightens and I flick my eyes to the entrance to make sure I’m not being spied on. What am I going to say? He just told me that he accepted it all. How many times do I have to tell him that there is no chance?

I could kiss Tom when he returns from the toilets and gives Matt his roving eye. Matt abruptly pushes himself away from the table as soon as Tom appears opposite him, knocking my bag flying to the floor. His tolerance level of my forward, gay friend has not improved. I jump down from my stool.

‘Oh, darling!’ Tom crouches down to help me gather my scattered possessions. ‘He’s still hot!’ he whispers to me on the floor.

‘He is not.’ I screw my face up. I find Matt anything but hot now. He makes my skin crawl. I rise to find Matt walking away, holding his hand up in a catch-you-later gesture.

‘Oh, where’s he going?’ Tom exclaims, stamping his foot.

‘Hopefully, to jump off a cliff.’ I mutter uncharitably under my breath. I finish my wine in one foul swig. After seeing Matt, I could do with another.

‘Matt’s in here!’ Kate throws herself on the barstool. ‘And he has a black eye. High five Jesse!’

‘Well, it’s been a pleasure girls, but I need some action tonight and it doesn’t look like I’m going to get it in here,’ Tom throws a disgusted look in the general direction of all the blatantly straight men, ‘I’m going to Route Sixty. Want to come?’ he asks hopefully.


