Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

He attacks my mouth with urgency, delving in with his tongue and moaning in satisfaction. I know I’m going to be left panting and squirming and there will be sod all I can do about it.

His hard animalistic kiss has my senses saturated with need for more and just like that, he pulls away and I whimper. ‘You will watch.’ he says, biting my lip.

‘Turn the music off!’ I buck a little in defiance.

He grasps my hipbone sharply, throwing me a warning look. ‘Why? Are you feeling horny?’ There is no amusement in his tone. He picked up on my reaction to the music last night, and now he’s using it against me.

Oh, this is going to be hell. He lifts away from my face and latches onto my nipple, sucking it hard. My body arches on a moan as I close my eyes and look for somewhere to bury my face. There is nowhere.

‘Open!’ he barks and gives my hip a dig again. My eyes fly open as he moves to my other breast and mirrors his sucking, lapping and biting, elongating my nipples to their maximum. I fight to keep my eyes from clenching shut, my legs from tensing. I want to bend them, but his lower legs are clamped on the outside of mine, preventing movement.

Oh God! ‘You’re cruel.’ I moan as I look up into a very satisfied stare. He’s getting revenge all right.

He rises to his knees and fists his erection with one hand, flicking the switch of the bullet-like contraption with the other. I hear the steady pulse of a vibration kick in and his mouth parts. ‘Wow.’ he mouths.

I close my eyes for the briefest of seconds before I’m grabbed on my sensitive hip and they fly open again. I take a deep breath and run my eyes from his, down his hard chest, past his scar and to the mass of hair at his groin. I find him slowly working himself back and forth, the muscles in his thighs tense and bulging. I cry out in desperation to touch him. Now I know how he felt and it is not bloody nice. I want to touch him. I need him all over me and I can’t. I’m helpless.

His fist flexes as he draws back, pulling his foreskin and revealing his glistening, moist head. ‘This feels good, baby.’ His voice is husky and it spikes at my groin. ‘Do you want to help me out?’

My gaze travels back up his body to his eyes. ‘Fuck you.’ I say quietly and calmly. I don’t care about my blue language. It’s not like he can punish me any worse than this.

‘Mouth.’ He forces the word out on a moan, and I wriggle with the cuffs. ‘You’ll mark yourself, Ava. Stop fighting.’ he hisses through a broken voice, his fist still slowly gliding over his solid length.

Maybe if I fight enough, he’ll free me. He’ll get worried about injuring me. It’s common knowledge of his unreasonable worry regarding my safety. I wriggle some more.

‘Still!’ he barks, and suddenly his strokes are picking up speed. This is absolutely killing me, but good God does he look incredible on his knees above me, working himself. I watch as every muscle on his chest, his arms and his thighs tense further and the vein in his neck jumps out.

‘Please.’ I beg. I need to touch him.

‘It’s not nice, is it?’ he asks. ‘Think of this the next time you stop me from touching you.’

‘I will! Jesse, please, let me go.’ I clench my eyes shut, screaming in my head to block the loud music out.

‘Open your fucking eyes, Ava!’

‘No!’ My head starts thrashing from side to side. This is the worse torture. I’m never going to stop him from accessing me again. Not ever. I feel his fingers slide down my sex, gathering some moisture and then spreading it, his finger surging into me harshly. My eyes fly open. ‘Please!’

His face strains as he continues working himself. ‘You’ll watch.’ he affirms, his fist suddenly becoming faster, more urgent. ‘Fuck!’ All of a sudden, he’s moving and his knees are braced on either side of my head, his groin in my face. ‘Open your mouth.’ he roars, and I do as I’m bid immediately and without a second’s hesitation. He braces his free hand on the headboard and pistons back and forth with his fist. ‘Oh, Jesus!’ His head drops as he guides himself into my waiting mouth and spills himself all over my tongue, the saltiness of him sliding down my throat. I take the opportunity to wrap my lips around him and get some contact.

His chest heaves as he slowly works himself down, the vibrations from the bullet traveling down his length and tickling my lips as I lick and lap at him. His cock twitches on my tongue and I roll, lap and suck to my heart’s content while he shakes above me, attempting to stabilise his breathing. He drags his eyes open and looks down at me before his body is shifting and the vibrating stops, the little ping of elastic and small thud telling me the contraption has been relegated to the floor.


