Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

Sliding his phone on the counter, I walk back into the living space and I’m instantly reminded of what had my brain in meltdown before the call from Coral. I stand with my arms hugging my body, looking at the mountain of shopping bags and boxes before me. I don’t know whether to be excited or furious. He disregards my opinions and wishes at every turn, with his neurotic, challenging ways, and now I fear I’m becoming neurotic and challenging as well. He brings out the worst in me, and I know damn well I bring out the worst in him. John said as much. Easygoing, laidback Jesse Ward? No such man exists. Well, he does, when I’m complying, I saw him last night, but its times like this I easily forget about that man.

I kneel on the floor and gingerly poke one of the bags, peeking inside cautiously, like something could jump out and attack me. Huh? That wasn’t in my like pile. I pull out a silk, navy Calvin Klein dress. That was in my maybe pile. I open a box and find a Chloe, structured, cream and black dress. That was in the no pile. It was way over my set price threshold.

Oh no. They’ve mixed it all up. I pull another bag towards me and find a pair of Diesel, baggy fitting jeans. Okay, they weren’t in any pile. I work my way through all of the bags and boxes, also finding lace underwear in every design and colour you could imagine.

God only knows how long later, I’m sat in the middle of the floor, surrounded by a mass of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories. Every single item I tried on is here, except for the gown – all of the likes, the no’s, the maybes and a whole lot more that I didn’t try. I know there must be a mistake because even the slate Chloe dress is here, and Jesse would never have willingly bought that for me. I do love it, though.

Oh God! I flop back onto the floor and gaze up at the high ceilings of the penthouse. This is just way too much; the gown, the necklace, the ring, and now all of this. I am completely overwhelmed and feeling a bit suffocated. I don’t want all of this stuff. I just want him, without the history, without the other women and without Mikael poking about.

‘Hey, baby.’ Jesse’s wet, handsome face appears, floating above me. ‘I’ve been waiting for you. What’s up?’ He pouts.

I scoff and signal in the general direction of the designer jumble sale surrounding me. Can he not see it all? He looks around, completely unfazed by the piles and piles of women’s wear flanking me.

‘It arrived then?’ he says coolly. I make a dramatic display of throwing my arms back in exasperation, and he exhales to match my drama before lying down next to me. ‘Look at me.’ he orders softly. I turn my face to his and get an injection of his fresh, minty breath. ‘What’s the problem?’

‘This is too much.’ I complain. ‘I just want you.’

He smiles, his eyes twinkling with pleasure. ‘I’m glad, but I’ve never had anyone to share my money with, Ava. Please humour me.’

‘People will think I’m marrying you for your money.’ I say it as it is. I’ve already encountered the accusation.

‘I couldn’t give a fuck what people think. It’s all about us.’ He twists onto his side and pulls at my hip so I’m mirroring him. ‘Now, shut up.’

‘You won’t have any money left if you spend like you did yesterday.’ I grumble quietly. If Zoe works on commission, she could probably retire after Jesse’s spending splurge yesterday.

‘Ava, I said shut up.’

‘Make me.’ I counter on a half-smile.

And he does.

He crowds me completely and eats me alive among half of Harrods women’s department.

Chapter 26

I walk into the bedroom after a fresh shower and shake my head at Jesse, who’s sprawled on his back across the bed wearing only his tight, white boxer shorts and making a damn effective point of letting me know he’s not happy. I sit myself in front of the floor length mirror and start drying my hair. We’ve spent all day carting the obscene amount of clothes and accessories up the stairs. I now have my own side of the colossal walk-in-wardrobe and a very happy man, until I started to get myself ready for my night out with Kate. His contented mood soon changed, but with Tom and Victoria catching up with us too and a whole pile of shit to land on Kate, I’m looking forward to it and Jesse has got to learn to share me.

I finish my hair and turn the dryer off to hear heaving, huffing and puffing coming from the bed. He’s behaving like a schoolboy, so I ignore it and make my way into the bathroom to cream up and get my make-up on. I’m mid-mascara application when he walks in, all casual, and lies himself down on the chaise lounge with an almighty exhale of air, his lean body reclining coolly and his arms draping over his head, accentuating every fine muscle on his torso. I try to ignore him, but Jesse prancing around in a pair of white, tight Armani boxer shorts is very distracting. He’s doing it on purpose.


