Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

‘Fun!’ she snaps.

‘No! Don’t you dare!’

‘I’m just having some fun, Ava. What are you? The sex police?’

I recoil, ‘So there’s no feelings?’


‘You know, if you were me, you’d be twiddling your hair.’ I huff, and take a long swig of my wine. No feelings? She’s impossible. ‘Okay, try and help me out. Being as you’re refusing to open up, I’ll dump my shit on you. I value your opinion.’ I smile sweetly.

She ignores my snipe, her eyebrows shooting up. ‘This sounds serious.’

‘It is. You know the developer of Lusso, the one who asked me to dinner?’

Kate nods. ‘Yeah, the Dane, handsome in a Scandinavian kind of way.’

‘Yes, Mikael. Jesse slept with his wife. He’s going through a divorce at the moment.’

‘No!’ Kate leans in.

‘Yes, and now he’s on some sort of revenge mission to turn Jesse over and it looks like he’s decided that I’m the best way to do this. I’ve got to meet him, and I know it won’t be work related.’

‘Oh shit!’

‘I know. The wife has been sniffing around too.’

‘What are you going to do?’

I shake my head, taking another swig of my wine. ‘I don’t know, just like I don’t know what to do about that woman, the one who turned up at The Manor’s anniversary.’

‘Who is she?’ Kate’s eyes are widening by the second. I’m not surprised. This is information overload.

‘Coral. Do you remember that nasty man at The Manor the day we found the communal room?’

‘Oh yes! Jesse crushed him. It was frightening, Ava.’

I laugh to myself. I can imagine. ‘That’s her husband. She asked Jesse to be the third in a threesome. She fell in love with him, left her husband and now has nothing. She wants Jesse. She turned up at Lusso and rang his phone. I’ve told Jesse about neither, but I answered the call. She warned me off.’

‘Oh my fucking God!’ Kate flops back on her stool, and I take another glug of wine.

Hearing it all out loud, it sounds ridiculous, crazy, unreal…

‘So, Jesse’s had a threesome?’ she asks.

I frown into my wine glass. ‘Yes, I guess so.’ I hadn’t thought about it. I was too busy trying to work out how I felt about Coral being in love with my boyfriend…fiancé…whatever he is. ‘Fucking hell!’ I exclaim, looking up at Kate, mouth gaping.

Kate starts nodding. ‘Have you just had the same thought I have?’

My wine gets placed on the table, my eyes flicking from Kate’s wide blues to the floor and back again. But then I laugh. ‘No! I saw Jesse’s face when Tom felt him up at the launch night of Lusso. There is no way he’s bisexual. Not a chance.’ I grab my wine again. ‘You can have threesomes with two men and a woman; it doesn’t mean that the men have to touch each other.’ Down goes another huge mouthful as I remember the scene from the communal room. None of them men touched each other. The other scenario, the one with two women and one man, starts skipping around my brain, laughing at me. I wipe the back of my hand across my brow, a shimmer of sweat breaking out. I really don’t feel right. Looking up, I see Kate’s face light up as she follows the path of someone approaching behind me. I don’t have to turn around to see who it is.


I look up and see Sam grinning from ear to ear. What is he doing here? It’s supposed to be a girls’ night out and Kate still hasn’t given her verdict on my current screwed up situation.

He shoves his tongue in Kate’s ear, and I huff to myself. Kate would never let any man invade her girl time. I pick my wine up and down the rest, watching over the rim of my glass as Sam greets Kate and she accepts willingly. If she tries to tell me tomorrow that this is just fun, then I’ll challenge her…hard!

‘I’m going to the toilet.’ I inform them.

‘Okay.’ Kate says idly.

I lower myself to the floor and turn towards the entrance, reaching up to rub my temples in an attempt to sooth my thumping head. As I make my way through the roaring crowd, the sound around me dulls into a faint hum and my head starts spinning slightly. I push my way past the blurry gatherings of people and very nearly have a seizure when I clock Jesse stood a few meters ahead of me in the doorway of the bar.

Oh shit!

I freeze on the spot. I knew he wouldn’t be able to leave me be, not even for a few hours to enjoy a few glasses of well-earned wine. My vision might be challenged, but there is no mistaking the pure fury that’s spread across his handsome features. I don’t know why. I’m not drunk. I’ve had a few glasses of wine, and I’ve enjoyed them. He’s the one with the drink issue, not me.


