Blyss Read Online J.C. Cliff (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blyss Trilogy Series by J.C. Cliff

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 88115 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

My lungs are fighting for air as my heart beats double-time. Shit, I’m sure my panties are already wet from his proclamation. I can’t deny what he just said. I steal myself a breath and whisper back, “Yes, well, that may be true, but it doesn’t mean I want to give myself to a criminal.”

Hurt flashes across his eyes for a fleeting millisecond before his expression goes stonewall again. His nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath through his nose, and then he exhales slowly through his lips. I catch the scent of his leather and soap, and I’m almost done for. I really need to put a lock on my lips and throw away the key. I’m sure my attitude can either have this go roughly or smoothly, and I’d like a smooth Travis.

Instead of getting angry—something I’m sure Nick would do—Travis stays calm and collected. “Your body says otherwise, sweetheart,” he replies as he brushes his lips over mine, and I hold back a whimper. I find myself fisting the back of his t-shirt in my clenched hands. “You can deny it…all day long, but I’ve been doing this a long damn time, Julianna, and I know the telltale signs of a woman’s arousal.”

My pulse rate picks up, and I tremble with a nervousness I’ve never felt before. He doesn’t even give me time to ponder my fears before his lips crash over mine, and an unexplained electricity courses through me. My stomach flips over on itself, and judging by the bulge pressing against it, he can’t deny this, either. His hard body envelops mine, and then he breaks through all of my barriers when he slips his tongue past my lips. I whimper and pull his chest into mine. My body takes over, rubbing against his like a cat in heat. My nipples grow hard as I press them against his chest.

He tries to break the kiss, but I don’t let him; instead, I pull him into my web of frenzied lust. He responds with a groan erupting from deep within his throat. A few more moments of lustful battling ensues before he’s finally able to break away. “Damn, woman,” he breathes heavily, “you’re insatiable.”

He places his forehead against mine, resting it there while he catches his breath. “I’m trying really hard to abstain here, and you’re not making this easy on me.”

Cockily, I ask, “Isn’t that what you guys are planning on doing to me—taking my body without my consent?”

I feel his body stiffen at my words. He leaves his forehead pressed against mine and closes his eyes; I’m sure he’s evading me. “No, you’re not mine to take, Julianna.”

At those words, I pull back. “What...what’s going on here, Travis? You and your men are drugging me to do what…I don’t know…turn me into a nympho hooker? I’m confused.” I hold up my hand, palm out, stopping him from speaking. I’m not done talking, but I can’t seem to formulate the right questions, either. “Trust me, I want nothing more than to save myself for my happily ever after, but these drugs are making that rather difficult, and they’re confusing me at every turn. I know I’m here because of Nick, and all I can figure is since he’s been stalking me for years, he’s obsessed with me. Why? I don’t know. Everything is a big question mark to me, and nobody is giving me any answers.”

“Shh, ssh...” he begins to try and soothe me the way he has before, but I won’t have it.

“No. Don’t shush me, Travis. None of this is okay.” I feel my eyes fill with tears again. Dammit!

Travis must’ve thought I was doing far better when he was kissing me, so that’s what he decides to do. He shuts me down by crashing his lips back over mine. I pound my fists against his bulky arms in an attempt to stop him, but it’s no use. He’s too strong, and his kiss is a lethal weapon.

I’m having a hell of a time discerning between reality and my distorted, twisted perceptions. I can’t figure out exactly who my enemy is—the drugs, Travis, or both.

“I don’t understand how you have this effect on me,” I breathe heavily. “I’m not supposed to want Seems like every time you kiss me, I lose all reason.”

“Yeah? Right back at you, babe. Now shut up and give me what I want.” He dips his tongue back in for another taste, then bites my bottom lip. His strong fingers make their way under the hem of my t-shirt, and he slowly begins to inch it up over my belly. When the shirt passes over my breasts, his breath hitches. “God, you’re exquisite,” he breathes. I shiver at his words; I’m lost to the Blyss, and I’m lost to the drug that is Travis. “I want to see the rest of you,” he murmurs as he lifts my shirt the rest of the way over my head. At the sight of my blue lacy bra, his eyes hone in on my breasts. “Blue,” he shakes his head, “I believe that’s become my new favorite color.”


