Blyss Read Online J.C. Cliff (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blyss Trilogy Series by J.C. Cliff

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 88115 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

I let out a sigh. “Okay, I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises.” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“It’ll be nice; you’ll see. C’mon, up you go,” he says, dragging me out of bed. He pulls me into his hard body for one last hug and kisses the top of my head. “You get ready, and I’ll be back in two hours to pick you up, sound good?”

I nod my head and quietly whisper, “Yes, sir.” With me skipping breakfast, my stomach decides at that moment to grumble loudly in protest.

At the sound of my hunger pangs, his lips thin. “You need to eat.” He nods toward my tray of food on the kitchen table. “Go ahead and pop your breakfast dish in the microwave, warm it up and get something on your stomach now.” He says it with a tender voice, but the look in his eyes says he means business.

“I will.” I assured him.

As he makes his way to the door, he stops and turns around. “Save some room for dessert.” I nod my head, attempting a small smile.

When he leaves the room, I do as he asked, then quickly jump back into the shower, washing away the morning drama. By the time Travis is due back, I’ve finished applying a little makeup, mascara, and lip gloss. When I slip on the little black dress and shoes that were laid out for me, almost immediately, I feel a little bit better about myself. There is a basket of decorative hair clips on the counter, and choosing a colorful one, I put my hair up with it. It’s been a week since I’ve indulged in beauty products, and I almost feel half-human again.

I’m startled from my thoughts when I hear knocking at the door, and my brow furrows in confusion. Why would someone be knocking? Hell, I can’t even open it. The wheels start turning in my head, and I think maybe my father has reached me and his men are here, clearing the building. My heart races and I run to the door, but before I can scream out, the door latches open and Travis steps through. I skid to a halt, my heart pounding in my chest. Shit, do I feel foolish.

Travis quickly glances behind him, seeing nothing. He steps into the room with concern etched into his face. “What’s the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost.” I stand frozen, too shaken up to answer him. I don’t dare tell him what I was thinking. My God, I could almost taste the freedom. The feeling ignited a spark of hope within me; it felt so real for a moment. His hands clasp around my shoulders, and he gently shakes me. “Julianna, snap out of it. What’s wrong?” I close my eyes and dust the cobwebs out of my brain, taking a deep breath. “Baby? Talk to me.”

I paste a fake smile on my face and give thanks that my voice isn’t shaky, betraying my true emotions. “Nothing, for a moment, I just thought...”

“Thought what?” he prompts, trying to analyze my shaken exterior.

“It’s nothing, really; I’m fine. You just startled me by knocking on the door is all.”

He looks relieved and his shoulders relax. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I should’ve thought better of it.” He shakes his head as if he’s scolding himself. “I know you’re used to us just barging in whenever we damn well please. I thought...I thought I was giving you a little respect on your birthday by knocking first.”

I wave him off. “Really, it’s okay. Can we go now? I’m ready to get away from these four walls for a while.” I needed to change the subject before I have another meltdown, thinking about my father and freedom again. I don’t want a repeat performance from this morning. Travis seems to accept my excuse and gives me a half-hearted smile.

“You look lovely, by the way.” He lifts my medallion from my chest and my belly twists; just one touch from this man sends my heart fluttering. “Your medallion goes nicely with your outfit, too.”

I give him a small smile and say, “Thank you.”

“Well then, Madam,” he says in a mock accent and holds out his elbow for me to slip my arm into, “your chariot awaits.” I slip my hand through the crook and his smile disarms me. I like playful Travis, and I decide to play along.

“Oh, yeah? Would that chariot happen to be a sleek and sexy silver Maserati?” I ask with a lively grin.

Travis taps his forefinger on his lips in thought. “Mmnn...I’ve got something sleek and sexy, and I’m staring right at her, but it’s not a Maserati.”

I feel a blush spreading over my face and I look away. His fingers reach under my chin, immediately tilting my head back to meet his gaze as he cocks his head to the side. “I can see you in a Gran Turismo Sport, just as seductive and refined as its owner. I think your color would be…Blu Sofisticato,” he says with the same silly accent as before, shaking his head. “I don’t see you in the red.”


