Broken Read Online free books novels by Nicola Haken

Categories Genre: Angst, Dark, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Tear Jerker Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 104138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 521(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 347(@300wpm)

“I haven’t said anything,” Theodore rushes out as soon as we step into my office. I shut the door behind us and twist the blinds closed on the glass wall separating Helen’s office from mine.

“Said anything?” I question, perching on the edge of my desk.

“About Saturday. Isn’t that why I’m here? People are talking, but it didn’t come from me.”

“That’s not why I want to talk to you.” Although that does explain the strange looks I’ve been getting. “I asked you here so I could thank you, and apologise.”


“You shouldn’t have had to see me like that, and you certainly didn’t have to stick around. But you did, and I want you to know I appreciate it.”

Theodore looks uncertain. He assesses my face, his brow creased. “Are you trying to get me to have sex with you again?” He sounds almost annoyed.

“Is that all you think I see in you? A quick fuck?”

He shrugs and it riles me. “Isn’t it? It seems as soon as you’ve got what you wanted from me you go straight back to being a jerk.”

Ouch. That stings, but he’s absolutely right and it makes me sigh. Maybe I can’t do this after all. I’m already hurting him and I didn’t even realise. “I’m sorry. That’s all I have to offer.”

He stares at me with an expression I can’t decipher. I don’t know what I expect him to say but I want him to say something. Anything.

“I wish I could stay away from you.”

Okay, maybe I didn’t want him to say that.

Standing up, I walk tentatively towards him until our chests are just inches apart. “Why?” I breathe.

“You…you scare me.”

Whoa. My head swims. My chest aches. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me, Theodore.”

He’s so close I can feel his breath on my face. “I’m not. Not really. I just…” he trails off, closing his eyes while dragging in a deep breath. “I don’t understand you. I think I want to sometimes, but…”

I move in on him, placing my hands on his hips. “But?”

“But…I sense a darkness in you. Danger. I don’t know you. Not really. I think you’re hiding, and I’m scared that if I find you, I won’t be able to handle it.”

My pulse thuds violently in my ears with each deep rise and fall of my chest. “You see all that?”

I stare into his vivid green eyes, my forehead pleated in bewilderment. He sees me. I’ve known it all along. I don’t know how or why, but he does.

And he’s still here.

“Am I right?” he asks, his lips so close to mine I can almost taste them. “Are you hiding, James?”

Yes. I’m not brave enough to say the word aloud so I kiss him instead. His face crumples as if he’s in pain but he doesn’t resist. I take it slow, gentle. Softly, I trace the edges of his lips with my tongue, my hands twisting into his short hair. He allows it, but doesn’t reciprocate.

“Tell me to stop, and I will,” I whisper into his mouth.

“Don’t stop,” he murmurs, his breath catching.

Smiling, I dip my tongue between his lips, grazing his teeth as I push him backwards until his back hits the door. Reaching behind him, I twist the lock and start unbuttoning his shirt with my other hand.

His hands clamp down on my shoulders and I break away from our kiss and start kissing and licking the exposed skin of his chest. His head falls back and he groans as my impatient fingers start tugging at the zip on his pants. Dropping to my knees, I pull his pants down with me, burying my face in his groin, his hard cock slapping my cheek.

I haven’t tasted him before and I salivate at the thought. I don’t tease him, don’t take my time. I can’t. I need him too badly. Moistening my lips, I wrap them around his tip, taking him straight to the back of my throat.

“Oh my God,” he moans, arching his hips.

I’d smile, but my mouth is full and I don’t want to empty it until I’ve swallowed everything he has to offer. Cupping his balls, I roll them between my fingers, tugging them gently as I drag my lips up and down his shaft over and over again.

Holy fuck. A burst of pre-cum dances on my tongue and I groan against his delicious dick, revelling in the fact the vibrations make him quiver. Desperate to feel him pulsate in my mouth, I add my hand, squeezing the base and dragging it up and down in rhythm with my lips. His cock starts to twitch and his hips thrust as he forces himself deeper.

“Ah shit, James.”

My name on his lips ignites fireworks in my chest and I suck harder, stroke faster, until his legs start to wobble and he grabs my shoulders for support. With every withdraw, I flick his tip with my tongue and I feel him growing closer. His cock jerks, the taste of him intensifies, and his breaths are short, strained. His head knocks against the door at the exact moment he spills into my mouth. I keep sucking, swirling his warm load around in my mouth, savouring every drop before swallowing and slowly, reluctantly, easing my lips off him.

For a moment, I just stare at his swollen cock, admiring the glistening tip. A tiny drop of cum leaks from it and my tongue darts out, catching it before it falls.

Smiling proudly, I rise to my feet and palm his flushed cheek with my hand. Leaning in, I lick his lips, my dick throbbing at the knowledge he’s tasting himself.

I kiss a trail up to his ear and whisper, “I have a meeting in an hour. I need you to pick up the relevant documents from accounts.”

He angles his neck so he can see me, his brow furrowed in confusion. “You don’t want anything?”

A sly grin creeps onto my face. “That was about you. I want you to know I don’t just use you for my own pleasure. Well, maybe I did the first time, but I’m not as selfish as you think I am.”


