Broken Read Online free books novels by Nicola Haken

Categories Genre: Angst, Dark, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Tear Jerker Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 104138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 521(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 347(@300wpm)

“See you tomorrow,” I whisper against his mouth.

“You can count on it.”

He breaks away from me and I feel empty. Lost. I miss him already and he’s barely reached the door. When it closes behind him, I run my tongue across my lips as if trying to taste him again. I can’t, and it leaves me feeling deflated.

“That was sweet,” Tess says, her smile beaming when she re-enters the room.

“You were spying on us?”

“Of course I was! I’m actually offended you think I wouldn’t.”

“Well, that’s kinda weird, but whatever tickles your pickle.”

“Watching two guys play tonsil tennis doesn’t tickle anything, but seeing my best mate so happy does.”

I smile because it makes me think about James and everything we did yesterday.

“And you know, he’s not nearly as much of a twat as you made him out to be.”

“I did not!”

“Whatever. It’s not that long since you couldn’t finish a sentence about him without saying how much you detested him.”

She’s right, yet that feels like a lifetime ago, not weeks. When I think back to the James I knew then he’s like a stranger. I can’t even remember what it feels like to hate him, which reaffirms my suspicion that I’ve never hated him at all. I just didn’t want to love him.

Whoa. Did I just say…love? What the fuck? Like. I meant like.

“And he’s hot, too. And that’s coming from a lesbian. Bet he’s got a rocking bod underneath those clothes, right?”

“I wouldn’t know.” It’s never occurred to me how weird that is until I just said it aloud.

“What do you mean you don’t know? You’ve had sex with the guy.”

“It’s always been, I don’t know, rushed. He’s never taken his shirt off before.” Something about that sentence makes me feel uncomfortable, maybe a little embarrassed.

“Hmm. Okay.” She looks as bewildered as I suddenly feel and I hope she leaves it at that. “By the way, you’ve got a bazillion Facebook notifications. Your phone was twinkling like a Christmas tree on acid when your mum called.”

I’ve been neglecting my social media lately. With James and the new job, I’ve barely had time to take a piss.

“People are expecting updates on the new book.” I sigh, frustrated that my writing mojo seems to have fallen out of the window and landed under a speeding bus.

“Then give them one. When we get back from your mum’s tonight get in bed, open your laptop, and remind yourself why you do it.”

“It’s just not going the way I expected it to. Paul knows Rick is hiding something but he doesn’t know what. He doesn’t know what, because I don’t know what yet. I’m struggling to get into my character’s head with this one.”

It’s only when I say the words aloud I realise I don’t need to get into their head anymore, I’m already there. I have been since the night I met James. Suddenly, I’m filled with ideas, words, and emotions. I’m excited, and I kiss Tess’ forehead with a giant smile on my face.

“We need to pick up some decent coffee on the way to my mum’s,” I say. Tonight is going to be a late one as I pour my feelings into my laptop through my fingers. TS Roberts is officially back.


It’s late afternoon and we’re sitting on my mum’s floral sofa, stuffed so far to the brim with chicken dinner I fear I might literally burst. Amused by the sight of my mum fussing over Jennifer, Tom’s latest squeeze, I toss a sideways smirk Tess’ way. I knew from the moment we arrived my mum was making an effort because she’s wearing a skirt, something she only does for weddings, funerals, and when she’s trying to impress people.

“Bakewell tart, Jennifer?” Mum offers, holding out a plateful of shop-bought cakes. I’ve no doubt she’ll have pulled out all the stops and bought Mr Kipling’s as opposed to Tesco’s own brand.

Jennifer plucks one from the plate and smiles. “Thank you, Mrs Davenport.”

So far, I approve. She’s not one of the usual bright orange bimbos I’ve previously seen my brother with. She seems sweet and intelligent. She looks it too with her jaw length, brunette bob and thick, dark glasses. I like her.

Mum brings the plate to Tess and I and hovers it in front of my face. “Theo? Tess?”

Tess grabs one while I hold up my hand. “No thanks. I’m still full from dinner.”

Mum tuts. “I’ve already taken the cherry off for you. Eat it.”

Resisting the urge to huff, I take the one that has a little hole where the glace cherry should be and force myself to bite into it. If she brings out anything else I’ll almost certainly spew all over her cream carpet.

“So, Theo,” my mum begins, making herself comfortable on the armchair. “Are there any plans for you to settle down yet?”

Here we go. Tom’s been with someone for a month and now I’m lagging behind. “When there is you’ll be the first to know.”

“You know gay people can marry these days. What are you waiting for?”

“I’m well aware of that, Mum.” I can’t stop myself from laughing. “But just like straight people, I need to find someone first.”

“You need to get a move on. I won’t live forever you know.”

“I’ll bear that in mind,” I say, smiling and shaking my head.

“What about you, Tess? Any lady in your life I should know about?”

I’m laughing wickedly in my head, as I’m sure Tess was during my turn to be grilled.

“Still waiting for Angelina Jolie to call me back.”

I love how my mum treats Tess like one of her own children. Tess’ dad disappeared before she was born and her mum is an alcoholic scrote who lives off vodka and cigarettes paid for by the government. I guess you could say my mum has unofficially adopted her. Tess isn’t just my best friend, she’s family.

“You should grow your hair. Wear a little makeup. Make the most of that pretty face of yours.” She sounds offensive, but she really isn’t. Like most mums, she just can’t help being an interfering busybody.


