Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

Absinthe was a machine, a piston driving into her, hammering his body into hers. Every time he withdrew, her silken muscles tried to drag at him, hold him to her, and when he drove back inside of her, her nerve endings went into a frenzy of shocked lust and carnal need, the pleasure so intense she wasn’t certain she could bear it.

The furry tail was swishing madly against her sensitized skin, adding to the sensations coursing through her body. Her nipples were sending fiery messages to her swollen clit. The plug pulsed and vibrated, making her fuller, the thousands of nerve endings shockingly desperate for more, heightening that building wave inside of her. Absinthe’s pistoning cock, so thick and long, driving into her as if he owned her and then dragging over her inflamed clit, hitting her G-spot, was too much.

She couldn’t process. Her body was too far gone. There was no controlling anything, least of all herself or her orgasm. She felt an overwhelming tidal wave start somewhere inside, welling up, traveling through her, raging like a storm out of control, the force so strong she was afraid but couldn’t stop it, no matter how hard she tried to hold back. It just swept through her, taking everything in its path.

Her body clamped down like a vise on his. Through the roaring in her ears she heard him swear in his native language, a velvet curse, and then his hot seed splashed into her, coating the walls of her spasming channel, triggering a larger, even more powerful crashing wave so that she screamed, and went down to her elbows, unable to support herself.

Absinthe wrapped his arms around her waist, his cock still jerking and pulsing deep inside her, so hot she thought she was burning from the inside out. Was that possible? To die from too many orgasms? To implode? To burn from the two of them being so hot together they went up in flames? Her body continued to orgasm, rippling and rippling until she could no longer, even with his help, hold herself up.

Scarlet collapsed forward right onto the floor, the hardwood crushing the clamps into her nipples painfully, but she barely felt it she was so exhausted. The swells kept coming, undulating powerfully through her body, again and again, rocking her, squeezing down on Absinthe’s cock. He stopped the movement and vibration of the plug, and that helped to ease the power of the surges but didn’t stop them. She felt tears on her face.

His arms were around her and he rocked her body gently, his breath warm in her ear. “You did so good, kiska. You were perfect. You’re all right. Are you are hurt? You’re crying. You need to talk to me with your human voice.”

She didn’t want to. She’d told him she wanted to give him the wedding gift of being his kitten all night. She shook her head but did as he commanded. “It was so good. You made me feel things I’ve never felt before. Thank you.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper. “I love being your wife. And your kiska. I want to continue.” Although she wasn’t certain how she was going to make it back to their bedroom.

He solved the problem for her. After a few minutes of breathing hard, he simply stood up and lifted her, carrying her back through the house. She curled into him, her head on his chest, eyes closed, so exhausted she just wanted to sleep. He held her while he ran a hot bath, removed her tail and stockings and then laid her on the rug in front of the fireplace.

“I have to take off the clamps, kiska.” He did so, untwisting the right one and pulling it off, replacing it immediately with the warmth of his mouth, sucking gently as the blood returned.

She wrapped her arms around his head in a fierce grip as pain rushed for just a brief moment and then subsided. He didn’t wait but proceeded to do the same on the other side. When he had them off, he kissed both nipples.

“I’m proud of you, moya malen’kiy kiska. You didn’t make a sound.” Once again, he lifted her and put her in the bathtub so the hot water soothed her tired body. “Just rest.” He put a small pillow behind her head. “I’ll clean your toys and tail and move our gifts from the bed.”

Scarlet jerked awake when Absinthe returned to her, washing her gently, soothing her when she tried to sit up.

“Stay still, baby. Let me take care of you.”

She lay back and he washed her breasts, being very gentle with her nipples. He had her stand and lean on him so he could wash her intimately front and back and then he lifted her out and dried her off. Carrying her to the bed as if she were an infant, he laid her down and applied soothing ointment to her nipples and breasts and then worked more into her mound, pussy lips, clit and pussy. It was cooling and felt good.


