Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

“Are you certain you want to spend the rest of the night as moya krasivaya malen’kiy kiska?”

She mewed softly, raising her eyebrow, needing an interpretation. She knew some Russian words, but not that many.

“My beautiful little pussycat,” he explained.

She had no idea why those words, as dirty as they sounded, as possessive, gave her such a thrill, but they did. “Yes, please,” she murmured, lifting her lashes to look into his strangely colored eyes. Immediately she was rewarded with that softness, the look of love and pride she needed to see on his face.

Absinthe bent down and brushed her lips very gently with his. He slipped her thin, ruby-studded collar around her neck and buckled it. She found it strange that when he put on that collar, just that simple act made her feel safe and even more cherished.

“Turn over, kiska, I need to put your tail in. You’ve made me feel so loved tonight.”

She obediently rolled over and tried to relax. The thought of that heating oil was a little terrifying. Preacher, the mad chemist, was a little diabolical. Absinthe rubbed the soothing lotion into her cheeks and then poured lube into the seam between her cheeks, pushing into her star gently, and added quite a bit. The lube was just as soothing as the lotion had been on her nipples and she was grateful. He coated his finger and once again pushed deep before coating the plug and inserting it slowly. She knew immediately it was the same, wider plug.

“Is that comfortable, kiska?”

She managed to purr sleepily. He laughed softly, pulled back the covers and once again lifted her in his arms. “Sleepy little kitten. It’s not even close to bedtime, but you earned a nap.”

Scarlet curled up next to him on her side, pulling her legs into her chest, her tail feeling strange, but not uncomfortable. She was too tired to care about it. Absinthe petted her hair and down her back, his hands feeling good on her body, reassuring her. She’d never been so tired or so satisfied in her life.

“I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

As she drifted off, she realized she’d fallen in love with him too. She wasn’t just falling, she was already there.


Scarlet had a weird dream that Absinthe woke her once asking her some silly nonsense about whether she wanted him to leave her alone there in the room while he spoke with the others or whether she wanted him to talk to them there in the room. She murmured to him not to go. It was their wedding night. She was his kiska, wasn’t she? He petted her head and leaned down and kissed her, murmuring to her that his sleepy little kitten should go back to sleep. She was warm and exhausted after so many orgasms and that was exactly what she did.

Scarlet woke to the sound of men talking in low voices in a foreign language. A woman laughed softly. She was so tired, at first she thought she was dreaming, but then she realized there were others in the room with her and Absinthe was no longer in bed beside her. Her heart began to pound. There was no hiding the change in her breathing from those in the room, and at once there was silence. She lifted her head slightly.

The scent of cinnamon and spice mixed with oranges and the oil Absinthe had used on her. The combination was potent in the very warm room. The flames in the fireplace leapt high, the only light casting eerie glowing shadows on the wall. Alena stood up, put her hand on Absinthe’s shoulder and leaned down to brush his cheek lightly.

“I’m sorry we had to disturb your night, Absinthe. Scarlet is a treasure. Give her my love. I’m going to bed. You three carry on without me. You’re almost finished and I’m so tired I can’t think straight. Enjoy the rest of the orange-spice cookies.”

With a little wave, Alena sauntered out the open bedroom door and disappeared down the hall, leaving the men she knew to be Steele and Savage behind with Absinthe. The two sat facing Absinthe and the fireplace. Absinthe was on the outside and her red cushion was next to him, his chair solidly between her cushion and the men. His chair was the only one turned slightly toward the bed, so he could see her at all times. The master bedroom was large so there was plenty of room between her and the men. The door was far closer to her so she could conceivably escape.

“Sit on your cushion right here beside me and wait for me silently by the fire, kiska, or stay there in bed. Your master has important business. If you’re in need of comfort, you can play with your catnip. I left it out for you beside your cushion.”


