Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

She put her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet, her eyes lighting up at the admiration in his tone. He wrapped a towel around her. She was shivering nearly uncontrollably.

“Stay still and let me take care of you.” He had warmed the towel and he used it slowly, rubbing it over her body, taking away the droplets of cold water. He wrapped her in a second warm towel and led her from the room into the warmth of the bedroom.

He pointed to the thick rug on top of the carpet in front of the fireplace. It was between the two chairs. “Sit there, moya malen’kiy kotenok.” The rug would be sensuous on her bare bottom while adding extra warmth. “Drink this.” He handed her a mug of hot chocolate he’d prepared in advance for her. Sinking down onto the chair, so she was virtually sitting between his legs, he poured warm lotion into his hands and began to massage her stiff shoulders. “You did as you were told to do without any influence. Why? You didn’t have to.”

“I told you I would do whatever you asked of me.” Her voice was very low. She was still shivering.

He dug his fingers deeper into her muscles and followed the line of her spine. She had a beautiful back. “That isn’t answering the question, Scarlet. Why did you choose to obey me?”

She didn’t answer immediately, and he respected that she took her time and was thoughtful in her reply. He wanted her to be. He wanted to know if she could really be his partner in every way, both outside of and in the bedroom.

“I want to please you, Absinthe. I want to give you everything you need or want, no matter how difficult it is. You’ve indicated to me that it might be very difficult. I want you to know that I will be willing to follow your commands always as long as you stay within those boundaries I’ve asked of you, and I trust that you will. Pleasing you is what makes me happy, and also, following your orders makes my body very, very responsive.”

“You mean when I tell you to do something it makes your fiery little pussy very wet,” he corrected. “You’re my kiska. That means pussy. Or pussycat. That’s what I want you to be for me here in this room quite a lot of the time.”

He watched her closely. Her face was turned away from him, but he watched her body and he was more than adept at reading body language. Little goose bumps rose on her skin and a little shiver went through her. He swept his hand down her back and then back up to her nape, using his fingers to caress her before removing the towel.

“I think you’re warm enough. The fireplace will warm you up fast.” She didn’t understand yet what he was telling her, but so far, she wasn’t opposed to anything he had said or done. “Turn around and kneel so I can see your face while we talk, kiska.” He used his commanding voice, ensuring she would know he meant business.

She didn’t hesitate. She placed the mug of chocolate on the table and turned to face him, shifting to her knees, looking up at him, her green eyes meeting his.

He dropped his hand to the top of her head and began a slow massage of her scalp. Gentle. Loving. He felt that way toward her. He used his other hand to play with her nipple. Her left one. He teased it idly on purpose, as if he wasn’t thinking. As if he wasn’t even fully aware of what he was doing. Tugging and then flicking. Rubbing. Using the pad of his thumb and then pinching down, a slow soft burn that got steadily tighter as if he didn’t notice while he spoke.

“I like to play. I haven’t been able to satisfy my urges or cravings in years, Scarlet, and I thought I would never be able to again. You’ve come into my life and now all I think about is telling you what to do and watching you do it for me. Taking you right to the edge over and over and making you beg me to let you go over. I also find a sense of peace when I have my little pet in my bedroom with me. In this room I would very much like you to agree to be my little kiska until I say otherwise.”

He kept his eyes on hers, refusing to look away from her. His hand slid from her nipple down her belly to her fiery red curls. He fed one finger into her hot, slick entrance. There were several ways to tell if a woman was seriously into whatever suggestion a dominant gave her. Testing her reaction was a very good one.


