Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

“I mean that literally. When you are my kiska, you will be naked, on your hands and knees. You will serve me, doing anything I ask of you.” His finger was treated to a flood of hot liquid. “You will wear a collar of my choosing and it may change depending on my mood for the day. It won’t be every night, because I want my sensuous woman and my sexy little librarian as well, but I am in desperate need of my pet. So, most of the time, I will want her with me. I will decide when my pet will have the night off.”

He kept his voice low, penetrating, just the way she liked, that soft command, but firm, the one that meant there was no arguing or negotiating. Her feminine channel clamped down like a vise around his finger, scorching hot, slick wet silk, pulsing with life. Her breathing changed, turned ragged. Her bare breasts rose and fell. He removed his finger and held it to her mouth. “Lick, malen’kiy kiska. Clean my finger.”

Keeping her eyes on his, she leaned forward and licked at his finger just like a little kitten might. Her tongue curled around his finger, and his cock, already hard, swelled to bursting proportions. He reached down with his other hand and pulled the drawstring to open the pants. “Open your mouth and suck.”

She parted her lips and he pushed his finger into the warmth of her mouth. She sucked and his cock went diamond hard. He needed to be able to have stamina. So far, she was accepting everything he’d demanded of her. He lifted his hips.

“Pull them off, fold them and put them to one side.”

Scarlet did so. The relief to have the material off his straining cock and balls was wonderful. “While you are my pet, you will always be on your hands and knees, crawling in this room, never walking until I say you can. Why, kiska? Why won’t you be walking on two feet?”

Her gaze dropped from his face to his fist, where he pumped his cock lazily, and then jumped back to his face. There was hunger in her eyes. Desire. “Because pussycats don’t walk upright, Absinthe, they crawl on all fours.”

He nodded. “Very good. That is correct. And that is what you are in this room unless I tell you differently. You will be my beautiful, fiery, sizzling-hot pussy, won’t you?” He dropped his hand to her right nipple and tugged and rolled gently. “So red, when I do this to you. If I pinch harder, it’s bright like your hair. So much for me to play with. Put your knees apart for me. I like to see your pussy so I can see if you like what I’m doing to you.”

Scarlet complied immediately.

“You will wear whatever I choose to lay out for you that day and whatever leash I put on the bed. I will feed you myself. I am responsible for your care in this room. You will not touch any food unless it is from my hand. I will decide if you drink from a glass or a bowl.”

He watched her carefully when he gave her that instruction. Her lashes fluttered but she didn’t object, not even with her body language. That was one major hurdle. There was one more. The most difficult for her. He was going to have to ease into it. So far, Scarlet had been perfect for him just as if she’d been born for him. And more importantly, as if he’d been born for her.

“Turn around, lie down on your belly facing the fireplace. I want you to be very comfortable.” He waited until she did as he instructed and then he took the large, firm pillow he had set by the chair and lifted her hips to slide it under her, pushing her ass into air. “Spread your legs wide for me.”

Scarlet did so, again without hesitation. Absinthe went to his knees in between her legs, poured warm oil into his hands and began to massage it into her thighs, first the left one and then the right. He worked until she was very relaxed and then moved his attention to the firm globes of her bottom. She was very fit, and he dug his fingers into the muscles, kneading and rubbing.

“Have you had anal sex before?”

She started to turn her head.

“It’s an easy enough question to answer, kiska. When I ask you a question, my little pussycat is expected to answer immediately, without hesitation.”

“I’m sorry. I was embarrassed.”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re embarrassed. In this room, you are to please me. If I ask you something, I want an answer, and to answer is to please me.”



“No. Only once.”

Absinthe could tell by her voice Scarlet hadn’t been impressed by her experience. That would raise the stakes between them. In a way, it would make what he required of her even more exciting. If she would really do what he asked of her of her own volition, just because she wanted to please him, because it turned her on to do so, they definitely had a perfect partnership. If she couldn’t, he would know he would have to find a way to live with her without fulfilling his most basic craving.


