Devour Read Online Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott (Unbreakable Bonds #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Crime, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 96805 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 484(@200wpm)___ 387(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

Ian released his arms and stood on his toes to wrap his own around the cop’s neck.

Hollis’s hands ran down his chest and around to cup his ass and pull Ian even tighter to his body. It was so damn good, being pressed up against all that slick, hard muscle and the best part? The best part was panic hadn’t kicked in. Ian kissed him back with a fervor he’d never felt before. He’d had sex over the years but he’d purposely picked partners around his own size and though he’d enjoyed a lot of those times, he’d still craved being with a man like this. Not just in size, but someone he genuinely liked. Someone with whom he felt he could let go.

And although Hollis dwarfed Ian with his big frame, his touch was a combination of firm, gentle, and possessive that turned Ian’s legs to jelly. He kissed like he wanted his mouth on Ian forever, like he could devour him, and it was a heady feeling—this reaction he inspired in such a fascinating man. Ian had been wanted before, but this felt different. This felt good.

So. Damn. Good.

His ass clenched at the thought of taking this all the way, of letting Hollis inside his body. He wanted that. Now. Pulling away, Ian placed his hands on his chest. “Quick breather.”

Hollis merely panted and stared at him like he didn’t understand English.

It was all he could do not to laugh as he grabbed the soap and lathered up his hands. It was exhilarating—having this effect on such a strong man. But his heart was beating like he’d run a marathon. He smoothed soapy hands over Hollis’s broad shoulders and down his chest, loving the way Hollis sucked in a deep breath. He lathered up his hands again, then handed the soap to Hollis. “Do me,” he directed softly.

“Oh, I plan to.” Hollis’s voice was more growl than anything as he slowly rolled the soap between his palms, then dropped it to the bottom of the tub. He bent his knees slightly and put one soapy hand directly on Ian’s balls and the other on his cock.

Shock froze Ian in place for a moment because he’d expected the washing to start anywhere but there. He let out a cry of sheer delight and thrust up into Hollis’s hand as he grabbed his shoulders and dug his fingers in.

Hollis came back to Ian’s neck, moaning against his skin, tightening his soapy fingers and sliding them up and down. “So. Goddamn. Gorgeous.”

“Your hand is so hot,” Ian breathed on a groan as he tilted his head back to give Hollis more access. The man’s mouth on his neck sent shivers down his spine but he ducked and captured those lips again, bringing his hands around to cup the sides of Hollis’s face. He deepened the kiss and thrust his hips faster.

Breathing heavily, Hollis suddenly let go of Ian’s dick and picked him up so their mouths were on level again. He clutched him so close, even the water couldn’t get between them. He kissed him long and hard until Ian’s lips felt swollen and raw. And he fucking loved it. He wrapped his legs around Hollis’s waist and missing the friction on his cock, he rubbed it against Hollis’s belly. The rumbling sound of desire that came up Hollis’s chest thrilled him to death.

Hollis held him tight with one arm and shoved the shower curtain back with the other. He set Ian on his feet, grabbed a towel, and swiped it over him with such haste, Ian tried to hold back a laugh by biting the corner of his lip. Hollis, who was drying his lower legs, looked up at him, blue eyes full of desire and need.

“Take me to your bed,” Ian said, cupping his face again. “I think we’ve waited long enough. Don’t you?”

“Fuck, yes.” Hollis turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, running the towel hurriedly over his body before he picked Ian up again.

“Is this going to become a habit of yours? Carrying me around like this?” Ian kissed his ear, took the lobe into his mouth and sucked. He tightened his legs around Hollis’s body, loving how hot he was, how strong. He felt dizzy with the desire ripping through him.

“Probably. I like the way you feel in my arms. So you’d better get used to it.” He opened the door, glanced into the kitchen and must have been satisfied that Rowe and Noah weren’t back because he strolled naked down the hall to the room he’d been using and kicked open the door. Dog claws tapped down the hall and Hollis laughed and hurried them into his room and shut the door before they reached them. One of them whined from the hallway.


