Devour Read Online Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott (Unbreakable Bonds #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Crime, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 96805 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 484(@200wpm)___ 387(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

Hollis put Ian on the bed and clicked on the small lamp on the table beside it. He knelt next to his duffle bag to rummage inside. He came up with condoms and lube and stood next to the bed, his gaze stroking down Ian’s body.

Ian had a moment to feel strange…a little self-conscious because he really was quite different from the way Hollis had described his last boyfriend…but his doubts went away in the heat of that blue gaze. The man looked at him, touched him, like he was made of something infinitely precious. And that just flat-out worked for him. He held out his hand.

Hollis dropped the supplies on the bed and crawled right on top of Ian.

“Oh God,” Ian breathed at the sensory overload of Hollis Banner on his body. He closed his eyes and reveled in all that muscle and heat, in the prickles against his nipples, the weight holding him down the way he liked.

He spread his legs.

Hollis let out a strangled noise as he fell between them. Ian quickly wrapped both around Hollis’s back and squeezed him as close as possible. He ran his hands over Hollis’s back, kissed his shoulder, his neck. Hollis seemed to be lost in the feel of them together because he only whimpered and rolled his hips against Ian’s. His cock, the gorgeous cock he still hadn’t held, pressed into the groove of his torso and legs. Hollis pumped his hips, seemingly lost in the sensations threatening to steal Ian’s mind.

“Banner,” Ian breathed.

“Hollis,” he corrected. “I love my name on your tongue.”

“Hollis,” Ian dragged out his name as he widened his legs, bringing his knees higher toward his chin. “Fuck me, Hollis.”

Hollis made another unidentifiable noise. “You’re killing me.”

“Don’t die. Not yet. Fuck me first.”

A strangled laugh sounded, and then Hollis was groping for the lube even as he came up enough to start kissing Ian again.

Ian decided he could happily drown in Hollis’s mouth.

Hollis drenched his hole with lube and circled one finger around it. Round and around, dipping inside, then coming back out to trace it again. He balanced himself on one hand so he could watch Ian’s face as he played down below and when he slid one finger inside Ian, Ian couldn’t stop his body from bowing up off the bed, couldn’t stop his hands from grabbing onto Hollis and clutching him hard. He stared up into his eyes, mouth open, struggling to find air.

The finger pulled out and pushed back in deeper and Ian sucked in one struggling breath, eyes still locked with Hollis’s. “More,” he whispered. “Please.”

Hollis’s eyes shut like he needed a moment to deal with Ian’s pleas. He pushed two fingers into Ian, both long, both unerringly accurate as they pushed into his prostate, making Ian cry out again.

“Fuck,” Hollis groaned, pulling out. Wet fingers clutched his inner thigh and held on as Hollis slumped against him and panted into his neck.

The broken, uneven sounds let Ian know Hollis was working to get his body under control. He didn’t want control. He wanted fucking, fast and hard and honest. They could go slower later. He spread his legs more, grabbed onto the globes of Hollis’s tight ass hard and pressed him close. “I want you inside me.”

It worked.

Hollis roared, came up off him, and reached for the condom. He rolled it on with shaking fingers, his fast and hard breaths making his muscled chest push in and out in a mesmerizing fashion that drew Ian’s hands to his skin. He traced every muscle with his palms, grazed them over hard nipples, dipped his fingers into the grooves along his stomach muscles. Hollis met his eyes as he lifted his hips and positioned his cock at Ian’s entrance. He paused, gaze locked with Ian’s—the lust flushing his cheeks red making Ian hold his breath. To have inspired this kind of reaction in this man…

It was like being caught up in a dream.

Nodding, Ian grasped onto Hollis’s biceps. “Yes,” he breathed, writhing against the heat of Hollis’s body.

The moan was long, low and rumbly as Hollis pressed inside his body. He pushed slowly, the sting of entry burning, yet throwing light into the corners of Ian’s vision. He shut his eyes tight, opened his mouth, and worked to pull air into his lungs. When the head of Hollis’s cock pressed hard as it slid past his prostate, Ian’s eyes flew open wide. He dug his fingers into Hollis’s arms, held on as Hollis bottomed out inside him.

“Yes!” Hollis yelled, hands clutching Ian’s hips to his body, fingers flexing on the cheeks of his ass. He held still a moment, watching Ian through slitted eyes and something must have let him know that Ian was good, Ian was with him all the way, because he gripped hard and began thrusting deep into his body in a steady, solid rhythm that swiped Ian’s ability to focus.


