Drake (Fated Dragon Daddies #1) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fated Dragon Daddies Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“Oh. I’d forgotten that. It wasn’t nice of you to try to flame me,” she hissed at the man who faced her.

“My manners are sometimes atrocious. If you wish to play matchmaker…” Keres didn’t even have the social graces to look ashamed.

He was a handsome devil. Not as alluring as her Daddy, but Aurora noticed many women watching the two men with great interest. The men as well. There was something different about these two that drew everyone’s attention. The barely concealed power? The honed warrior physiques? Aurora forced herself to address his last statement.

“I don’t think I want to introduce any of my friends or even my acquaintances to you,” she said and sent her meanest look his way.

“Your ancestor signed in blood, human, to pledge that exact support. In exchange I didn’t eat him or kill his entire family. That could be remedied now.”

“As much fun as I can tell you are having, Keres, taunting my mate stops here. The inhabitants of Wyvern have sworn their descendants to become ours. In exchange, we guard and protect our mates and the inhabitants from all harm.”

“Who’s going to want to send their relative to the big bad dragon who tries to kill others?” Aurora asked under her breath.

“Do you want me to find another chair for your friend?” the friendly server asked, hovering nearby.

Aurora watched Keres sniff her before shaking his head sadly. How tragic would it be to have your hopes dashed repeatedly? Suddenly, she didn’t feel quite so antagonistic toward the black dragon.

“No. He will not join us,” Drake said firmly.

“Okay. Sir, you can check at the desk for an open table, but we’re so stacked this evening you’ll probably have to order a pizza to go. Sorry,” Abby apologized with a smile.

“I’m done here,” Keres said and turned to stalk to the exit.

Aurora watched everyone shift out of his way without challenging him. She knew everyone could sense tangling with him was a bad idea. The thought was in the back of her head, too. Collapsing back to her chair, she shook her head at Drake as the server hurried away once again.

“My apologies, Little one. I did not think he would come inside to talk to us.”

Drake’s face was drawn in concern. Aurora admitted, “I can see both sides of this. He scares me. But, I also feel sorry for him having to be alone.”

“You do not need to fear the black dragon. If he threatens you again, the other dragons and I will take care of the problem,” Drake assured her.

“Like kill him?” Aurora heard her own voice squeak.

“It’s probably best to keep your voice down, Little one. We don’t want to cause the other diners to report a possible murder,” he said with an amused smile.

Looking around, Aurora noticed the woman at the closest table was watching her with a negative look. Had she heard or was she just jealous of Aurora being on a date with her handsome mate? “I forget people don’t understand my bad sense of humor. My bad.”

Drake nodded, approving of her attempt to smooth over any suspicions. “Look, Aurora. Our pizza is coming.”

Chapter 13

Maybe putting pizza in my mouth will keep me from sticking my foot in there again. She sat back and watched as Abby set the pizza in the middle of the table.

“Wow. That looks good,” she said to the server.

“It does. Now I know what I’m ordering to take home tonight,” Abby told her with a grin. “Enjoy!”

“Thank you,” Drake responded as he picked up the server to scoop up a piece.

The gooey amount of cheese made him stop and cut the threads as much as possible. “Your plate, Little one.”

When she held it close, Drake delivered the steaming hot piece. Aurora lifted it to her nose and sniffed appreciatively. “Nothing beats Angelino’s pizza.”

“Sex does,” Drake answered matter-of-factly as he scooped up two pieces for himself.

Aurora’s mouth dropped open as she stared at him. Instant heat flared low in her abdomen. Gathering herself, she hissed, “Drake!”

“The truth is what the truth is, Little one. Take a bite and tell me if you don’t agree. I may need to ramp up my skills.”

Unable to figure out what to say, Aurora picked up her slice and took a bite. His deep chuckles wrapped around her. He wasn’t helping. She shook her head at him and mumbled, “Be good.”

“No talking while your mouth is full. I’ll be glad to help you practice that.”

An image of his thick shaft gliding into her mouth burst into her thoughts. The eroticism of the mental movie running in her head captured her attention.

“Chew, Aurora. I don’t want you to choke.”

She glared at him at that second possible sexual innuendo and forced herself to chew the bite in her mouth.

“I am sorry, Little one. I should not tease you so early in our relationship. Please, enjoy your pizza,” Drake told her.


