Drake (Fated Dragon Daddies #1) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fated Dragon Daddies Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“Thank you, sir. Angelino wished for me to let you know he was in his office. It’s just down the hallway past the bathrooms.”

“Thank you, Abby.”

Drake ushered Abby down the hall and stopped at the women’s restroom. “Go in and potty. I will wait here.”

“You could go ahead, and I’ll come to the office next.”

“That’s not going to happen. Be glad I’m not coming in with you,” Drake warned.

Just one look at the message in his gaze sent her scurrying into the small space and into the stall. The need to be with him tugged at her. The mate bond. She quickly finished and washed her hands. As she rejoined Drake, he pushed away from the wall to press a hand into her lower back. Immediately, she felt better.

“I believe Angelino has gathered his entire family to meet us,” Drake said quietly.


Drake lifted a hand to knock, but the door opened inward, and Angelino met them with his hands clasped before him.

“Angelino, the pizza was amazing tonight. Please introduce me to your beautiful family,” Drake requested.

“It is my pleasure, sir. This is my wife, Raquel, and my four children. Angelino,” he held up his hand and displayed five fingers to show his son was the fifth Angelino in the family before continuing, “Salvador, Giorgio, and Rosa.” For the last one, he rubbed his wife’s rounded belly.

“Ah, congratulations. A girl after all the strong boys. She will wrap you around her finger, Angelino,” Drake predicted.

“Of course. I am looking forward to it.”

An older man stepped forward with his hand outstretched. Drake shook it before guessing. “Angelino the third, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Yes, sir. We still thank you in our prayers every day for saving our son.”

“I was in the right place at the right time. After eating that pizza tonight, I think it was an entirely selfish move. And your wife?” Drake asked.

“In heaven now, sir.”

“I am sorry to hear that. It is lonely without your soul mate whether human or dragon. Meet my Aurora.” Drake drew her forward.

The entire family hugged her, and the kids had a thousand questions she had no idea how to answer. Drake rescued her.

“You are very intelligent young men. I think you will grow up to be hard-working, wise men like your father and grandfather. Excuse Aurora for not answering all your questions. There are secrets only she can know.”

The boys’ mouths rounded in silent Os. They nodded rapidly, loving even being close to clandestine info.

“Any time you would like a table, sir,” Raquel suggested.

“Thank you, Raquel. I had forgotten how good your pizza was. Thankfully, my mate had a hankering for the treat,” Drake told them.

Everyone turned to smile at Aurora. “Come back any time.”

“Oh, we will. It is nice meeting you and hearing stories.” Aurora smiled.

“Are you going to become a dragon now?” the youngest boy asked with eyes widened in excitement.

“Not inside, Giorgio. I would tear apart the restaurant. That would be bad. How about if you look at the moon in exactly fifteen minutes and I’ll fly past. You’ll be able to see me way up in the air,” Drake suggested.

Giorgio nodded and grabbed his brothers’ hands. “Let’s go sit on the back wall. We can see the moon perfectly from there.”

The boys were gone in a flash. Raquel excused herself. “I already know in the future Rosa will never forgive me if I’m not out there for her to ‘see’ the dragon, too.”

“We should be off. It is good to see you both,” Drake said, guiding Aurora with that hand on her back.

In a short time, they were back on the road.

“The boys are going to fall off that wall when you fly past,” Aurora mentioned.

“They will also remember for their families the good dragons can do and their power.”

“You want them to be afraid of you?”

“I want them to respect forces that are bigger than they are and the history that infuses Wyvern. Plus, I’m pretty cool.”

“And saved their dad by scooping him up in your paw.”

“Claw, Little one. That’s much more sensational and sophisticated,” Drake corrected her.

“Of course.” Aurora laughed. Leaning her head back against the headrest, she considered all she’d accepted so fast and decided she was pretty cool, too.

Chapter 14

For good measure, Drake slowed and flew across the glowing moon two times. His dragon was proud to strike a pose as he passed. Hopefully, the boys were excited.

“Go past and breathe fire this time,” his mate’s delicious voice urged.

After checking the direction of the wind to keep her safe and scanning the horizon to make sure Keres didn’t lurk somewhere, Drake followed her request. He loved it as she screamed in delight. His mate pleased him in all ways.

After diving to scoop up the mound of supplies that were wrapped in a cargo net, Drake flew back to his mountain. He aimed to maintain a quick speed that would allow her to hold on securely and get them back to the security of his hold. After extinguishing the flames that guarded the entrance, Drake glided into the large chamber. He turned and relit the fire before pressing his head toward the floor to make it easier for her to dismount. To his delight, she leaned forward first to stretch out against him with her arms looped around his neck in a full-body hug. His massive heart lurched in his chest.


