Fandom (Famous #3) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88218 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

I stand. “I’m going to go to the bathroom and then to get coffee. You want one?”

“Thanks, honey, but I have an assistant for that type of thing.”

“I can get it.”

She looks up at me. “You’re such a sweet boy.”

“I don’t think someone my age is allowed to be called sweet. Or a boy.”

“Oh, honey, you’re half my age. You’re a boy.”

I don’t fight her on it. “I’ll be back soon.”

As soon as I step out of the lights and go offstage, someone in the wings grabs my arm and pulls me against them. I’m so out of it, I have no idea what’s going on. Then I smell that piney smell of Mason’s, and my heart flutters.

“Hey,” he says.

I glance behind me. There are crew mulling about, and the audience can’t see us, but as much as I want to lean in and kiss him, it’s too risky. I go for an awkward as fuck man-hug with the back patting and “Hey, bro” masculine approach.

He whispers low. “I missed you too.”

I pull back. “What are you doing here?”

“Got a call from someone in production. They asked me to come in and sign a contract for the finale appearance and then said I can stay and watch if I wanted. And I definitely wanted. What’s up with you out there? You seem …” He licks his lips suggestively. “Distracted.”

“You know exactly why I’m distracted. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

He grins.

“But right now I’m on a mission to piss and then get me and Alondra some coffee.”

“You go to the bathroom; I’ll get you coffee from craft services.”

“Ooh, are you going to be my bitch boy? I like that idea.”

Mason shoves me away. “Go.”

Knowing Mason is here watching, the rest of the taping goes smoothly, and I’m more focused than before. Though I still keep my feedback short because I do want to get out of here and finish what Mason started last night with his fingers.

Only, it seems Mason has other ideas.

“Ready to go home?” I ask when I meet him backstage after we’re done.

“Nope. I was thinking of doing something drastic.”

“Shaving off your beard? Getting a tattoo? Ooh, Botox!”

He mockingly gasps. “I do not need Botox.”

“You might if you shave off your beard. Who knows what kind of loose skin you got all under here.” I rub his cheek in a condescending way that wouldn’t look suspicious to any of the crew around us.

“You’re way off base. Harley’s act. The one with the song.”


“Yeah, him. They’re having a party to celebrate the single making the Billboard charts. I figured we could kill two birds with one stone. We have our own celebration to do. Filming is wrapped, which means more time in your bed.”

“You’re voluntarily going into Harley’s territory? Oh, you sweet summer child, we’ll have contracts signed before he’ll let us out of there.”

“We’re not signing anything, but I figure extending an olive branch and expressing our interest without cementing anything is a step in the right direction.”

“There will be signatures,” I declare.

“No signatures.”

“Mmhmm, we’ll see.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


As weird as it is, I’m nervous to come face-to-face with Harley again. The last time, I was pointing a rifle at him, so yeah, there’s that.

When we walk into the bar on Sunset, more than a few heads turn, but it’s not because we’re famous. It’s because we’re together. With Lyric being Ryder’s partner, and Harley being Lyric’s manager, Denver and me showing up means at least four out of five of us are here. If Blake got the same invite we did, this might be the reunion everyone’s been hoping for. Even without performing, it will be the first time the five of us will be in the one room since that last night on tour years ago.

We’re approached by a few industry people who know better than to ask questions, but they’re like eager puppies all the same. We both respond politely but try not to get held up.

Lyric’s single plays through the speakers, and while I pretend to listen to whatever the producer in front of me is saying, I pay attention to the song. I have to admit, it’s pretty good. It’s catchy, but the lyrics are deep. The bopping beat behind it might diminish the impact of the emotion, but it’s a decent debut and doing amazing things. It’s still climbing the charts and making news. It might not make number one, but it’s a great start.

Am I bitter it’s selling better than my debut solo single? A little. But that’s the business, and I won’t hold it against him.

We find Ryder tucked away in a corner talking to Cameron, and as soon as Cameron sees us, his face lights up, and he hugs me.

“You’ve been ignoring my calls.”

“That’s the first thing out of your mouth?” I snark. He’s been calling since our lunch date last week, just checking in, “not pushing” apparently.


