Fandom (Famous #3) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88218 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“Nah, she lives in Fresno.”

“Okay. Uh, pic, then?”

We take a quick photo.

“You must be special,” Harley says. “Lyric here hates Eleven. Says we’re all cliché and lazy.”

Lyric’s mouth drops open, and he looks terrified. “I said that before I knew any of you.”

Well, that I can respect, but I don’t say that. I’m enjoying Lyric’s torment a little too much.

“And he has never lived it down since,” Harley says. Then, as if sensing the smallest gap in conversation, he turns on me. “So, the contract.”

I cover my ears. “Lalalalala. Nope. No. No. Not tonight.”


That’s a heavy question.

“Why don’t we all talk after Fandom has wrapped?” Denver says.

“When’s that?”

“The live finale is in eight weeks.”

“Two months? Okay. I can focus on Lyric and writing new songs for the album until then.” As if forgetting something, Harley clicks. “Oh, also, I want solo songs on the album, so you two need to get writing. Unless you want Ryder or me to write for you.”

“Mason’s actually—”

I cut Denver off. “You guys can do it. You always did.”

Harley’s face turns smug. “And I just got you to agree. Verbal contract is still a contract. It’s happening. It’s all happening!”

I turn to Denver. “Whose idea was it to come here again?”


Well, shit.

Lyric’s song kicks in again over the speakers, and he groans. “Is it possible to be sick of yourself this early in your career?”

The three of us laugh because he’s in for a rude awakening.

“Okay, I’m taking him to go meet with more ‘important’ people,” Harley says.

“You know everyone can see your air quotes, right?” I point out.

Harley slaps my shoulder. “But they can’t hear me, so they don’t know who I’m talking about.”

I smile as I watch them walk away, and then I feel Denver’s voice in my ear.

“You know, we can always leave if you want. I had big plans before you decided to make an appearance.”

I cock my head and eye him. “Plans?”

He licks his lips. “They involve a lot more of what we did last night.”

I flash back to being between Denver’s legs, with my mouth wrapped around his cock and my fingers lodged inside him.

It wasn’t the plan to do that with him, but this exploration thing is fun and has a mind of its own. Plus, when he was writhing beneath me, begging me to use my fingers, it’s not like I was going to deny him of it.

“Ready to go?” he rasps.

“Definitely.” My cock more so than me.

This time as we make our way through the crowd and people try to stop us to talk to us, I practically bowl through them like they’re bowling pins.

Sorry, not sorry.

I have somewhere to be.

An hour later, I have Denver where I did last night. Naked, legs spread, and my fingers moving in and out of his tight hole. I lick my way up the underside of his cock, and he trembles.

He’s on the edge of the bed, feet flat against the mattress while my knees dig into the carpet. My cock is heavy and hard, but I’m neglecting it for now because seeing Denver like this is worth holding out for.

As I look up at him, this wild look of need crosses his face, and I would do anything to keep him staring at me like that.

He’s resting on his elbows, watching me as I move my mouth up and down his hard cock. Every time I take him deeper, which admittedly still isn’t very deep, his eyes do this glazed fluttery thing that makes my cock ache.

I pull my mouth off his dick and replace it with my free hand while I watch my fingers move inside him. I can only imagine what it will feel like to slide my cock in and out of his body. I want to be inside him so bad, but we haven’t had another discussion about it other than when he said last week that he’s thought about it and could be ready for more. We’ve been preoccupied with exploring in other ways.

As if reading my mind, Denver’s voice breaks my concentration. “I want your dick.”

I stall, my hand unmoving around his cock, my fingers still inside him. “A-are you sure?”

All those nerves come rushing back, but it’s mixed with excitement. If sucking Denver’s cock can do it for me, I’m willing to try anything new. It’s just … daunting. Because I want to make it good for him. I want to take care of him.


Damn, it’s hard to say no to that.

Before I can think too hard or give myself the chance to back out, I pull away from him and stand. “Condom?”

“Don’t need it.” He blindly reaches for the lube and throws it at me.

“We don’t?”

He shakes his head. “Not with us. Not with you.”

With anyone else I would insist, but I trust Denver more than I trust even myself. I haven’t been with anyone since I went home, and when your childhood doctor insists on a full STD workup because “All those years with Hollywood types, you’re bound to catch something,” you don’t argue with him. And yes, it was awkward as fuck.


