Hale Read Online Free Books by K. Webster

Categories Genre: Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 345(@200wpm)___ 276(@250wpm)___ 230(@300wpm)

“No,” she interrupts, her tone fierce. “You’re already in trouble. Missing another game isn’t going to help me because that hurts you. I can wait three weeks.”

“But your birthday is next weekend.”

“You’ll still call me, right?” she asks. “Can we…Can we do this again?”

“As long as we don’t actually do it, we’re not harming anyone or breaking any fucking laws. So if that’ll make you happy on your birthday, you bet we’re going to do this again.” I reach over and grab my towel off the floor to clean off my sticky stomach. “Maybe, if you’re a good girl, we can even video chat.”

She sucks in a sharp breath. “Really?”

Nothing sounds more appealing than seeing her face when she comes.

“I want to see you. All of you,” I admit.

“Nobody has to know,” she murmurs.

My phone buzzes with a text.

“Nobody has to know,” I agree.

When I pull away to see who texted me, I realize Rylie has sent me a picture. It’s a selfie. Her light brown eyes are hooded and sultry. Plump pink lips are parted. But what has me wanting to reach through the phone and grabbing her is the fact her mouth is wrapped around three very wet fingers.

I stare at the picture and burn it into my memory.

“I have to delete this picture,” I mutter, really fucking hating that idea.

“I know. But I wanted you to see.”

“Beautiful.” My word is barely whispered, but she hears.

“Thank you. I love you, Huds.”

“I love you too, heathen.”

We hang up, but I stare at the picture for hours. I get hard again and I come once more, this time all alone. And then I continue to stare at what I’ll never be allowed to have. When I hear giggling many hours later outside my door, I reluctantly delete the picture.

But I’ll never fucking delete this memory.



“She took my phone!” Hudson yells as he beats on the other side of my door.

My parents, used to our fights, ignore him. I let out a quiet laugh as I sit down on my bed and easily guess his passcode. I’m just tapping on an app I’ve never seen before when my door handle jiggles.

Oh crap!

Did he steal the key my parents keep to all the doors?

I let out a squeal when the door opens and he steps inside my room, his chest heaving. Hudson is almost eighteen now. He doesn’t know I’m sick. I take a moment to appreciate the hard curves of his chest muscles as he closes the door behind him.

Why is he closing the door?

My heart stammers in my chest.

When Mom and Dad aren’t home, he lets Amy come over and they lock his bedroom door. I can hear them having sex each time. It’s dirty and embarrassing, but I can’t not go to his door each time they do it. The sound of their skin slapping together is the most delicious sound I’ve ever heard.

Are we going to…

His green eyes are flaming with rage and his hair still drips from his recent shower. When his fingers turn the lock, I forget how to breathe.

He’s beautiful.

Sick, Rylie, you’re sick.

“Get out of my room,” I croak, but I don’t mean it. Girls who aren’t sick say that sort of thing.

“You had no problems going in mine.” His jaw clenches with fury. When did Hudson turn into a man? He’s every bit as big as Dad, but he’s definitely stronger and more defined.

My finger smashes something on his phone because moans start playing from the app. He pounces on me and knocks his phone into the floor.

“Stay out of my room,” he snaps, his strong hands easily pinning me to the bed.

I should be arguing with him or yelling at him. Not loving the way his body feels pressed against mine. The app continues to moan, just like Amy does.

“What’s that app for?”

“Nothing a little kid needs to worry about.”

I huff and struggle to push him off, the anger finally flooding through me. “I’m not a little kid.”

Skin starts slapping and the male starts telling the female to take it. Fucking take it. I strain my head to look. I want to see what they’re doing. My lips part the moment I see the man pushing his penis inside the woman. He pulls it all the way out and then drives into her. Over and over again. Something hardens against my thigh and I’m no longer interested in the video.

Hudson, who must have been looking at the video too, snaps his eyes back to mine. His cheeks turn pink. It’s not the first time I’ve seen my brother have a boner through his shorts, but it’s the first time I ever felt it.




I want to ask him if he’ll pull his basketball shorts down and let me touch it. Before I can ask those words, he jerks away from me and snatches his phone from the floor. The moans are silenced, but he can’t hide the fact he’s still hard.


