Hale Read Online Free Books by K. Webster

Categories Genre: Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 345(@200wpm)___ 276(@250wpm)___ 230(@300wpm)

“Stay out of my room.” His words lack their usual venom and then he’s gone, closing my door behind him.

Lying back, I close my eyes and let the sickness take over as I pretend it’s me in his room the next time and not Amy.

“Are you listening?” Aunt Becky clips out on the other line, jerking me from the past.

“Uh, yeah, just thinking about Mom and Dad.” Not a complete lie.

“Oh, honey,” she says softly. Then, she barks out an address to a cab driver. “I’m sorry. If we didn’t already spend all this money on this couples retreat, you know Randy and I would be there with you.”

Randy agrees loudly so I’ll hear.

“And,” she continues, “I know Hudson would too if he didn’t have a game against Alabama. Once your brother is out of school, we’ll have a big barbeque for you like your parents used to. Are you still going to go out with your friends tonight?”

The mention of my parents has my chest aching.

“Yep,” I lie again. “They’re all waiting for me at the restaurant, but my friend Mandy is picking me up. Oh, she’s here.”

“Good,” she says. “We love you and will see you Monday when you get home from school. Make sure you take the medicine as prescribed. I only left you enough for the days I’m gone. I’m trusting you and I’ll check in.”

“Okay. Bye.”

I hang up and toss my phone away. It hits the carpet with a thud. I’m not going out. I’m not even dressed. After school, I kicked out of my jeans and crawled into bed. Slept. Cried. Got lost in the darkness that’s my mind. There will be no birthday parties or anything special. My highlight of this weekend will be when Hudson calls me after his game. He promised we could video chat and—

“Is there a reason you lied?”

I jerk my head to my doorway to find Hudson leaned against the frame, smirking at me. His baseball cap is flipped backward and he’s wearing basketball shorts and a black Gap T-shirt Aunt Becky had bought him not long after our parents had died.

My heart rate skyrockets.

He’s hot.

And here.

I scramble out of the bed and rush over to him. He laughs when I throw my arms around his neck and squeal. The moment our bodies are pressed together, I need to be closer. And apparently he does too. His large hands cover my ass cheeks over my panties and he lifts me. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull away slightly to look at him. God, he smells good. Masculine and soapy and simply Hudson.

“You’re here.” I smile at him.

“It’s your eighteenth birthday. You think I’d miss that?” His grin is crooked and handsome. I want to spend the next three days just kissing his mouth.

“Won’t Coach be mad?” My brows furrow together in realization that he might be in trouble for coming to see me.

He rolls his eyes. “I was benched anyway.”

“Are you upset?”

His green eyes twinkle. “Not anymore.”

My heart soars. I can’t help myself. Leaning forward, I peck his lips. He doesn’t retreat, so I kiss him again, leaving my lips there longer. When I start to pull away, he turns and presses my back against the wall beside my door. His lips fuse to mine and his tongue slides into my mouth as if it belongs there. I welcome it with a moan. Between my spread legs, he grinds his now-hard cock against my aching center. Zings of pleasure flitter through me. I’ve been dreaming of a million variations of what we’re doing since last weekend.

“Where are your pants?” he murmurs against my lips.

“Who cares?”

“Goddammit, Rylie. You’re too tempting for me. I’m not strong like I should be.” He kisses me hard until we’re both panting for air.

“I want you too. It’s okay.”

He nips at my bottom lip before resting his forehead against mine. His green eyes are intense as he stares me down. “We can’t have sex. It’s…”

Wrong. He thinks it’s wrong. My heart sinks.

“It’s illegal,” he finishes, but his hips rock against me.

I love the way his hard cock rubs against my clit through my panties. His shorts are thin and I can feel every part of him. It’s hot and dizzying.

“Nobody has to know.”

He groans as if he’s torn. “If we ever crossed that line, I’d never be able to get back over it. I’d want you all the time and then someone would find out, baby. They’d turn us in and take us to jail. I can deal with prison, but you’re too sweet and pretty to be locked away.” His cock rubs harder and quicker against me. “I can’t even think about it.”

“This is okay, though, right? We can come without going to prison,” I murmur.

He bites my lip and pulls on it with his teeth before letting go. Fire blazes in his gaze. “Can you come like this?”


