Moon’s Promise – The Last Riders Read Online Jamie Begley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 189
Estimated words: 181808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 909(@200wpm)___ 727(@250wpm)___ 606(@300wpm)


After giving Larissa brief hugs and Moon a quick goodbye, they left in a rush so Lana wouldn’t be late.

“Whew.” Moon stared at the door after them. “If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t believe it. Lana is like a hurricane. She sweeps in, and you don’t know which way you’re going.”

Larissa laughed at his assessment. “Lana takes after Mom. She’s really smart. I wish I took after Lana. She doesn’t let anything faze her, takes charge, always knows what to do …” She stopped when she saw Moon was staring at her curiously. “Anyway, I’m glad they came by.”

“I am, too. You seem like you’re in a better mood.”

“I am.” Brushing her hair back behind her ear, she felt for the first time like she could manage what work was left to be done.

“Are you hungry?”

Larissa patted her stomach. “We both are.”

“Make that three.”

Her face fell. “I was going to the grocery store but didn’t make it there.”

“That’s fine. Let’s get changed. We can eat out and head to the grocery store.”

“Okay, I’ll go change.”

“I need to take a quick shower.”

It was only when they were heading to their bedroom did it sink in that she would be sharing a room with Moon.

“I’ll shower while you get changed.”

Glad at the reprieve of undressing in front of Moon, she hurried to change before he could come out of the bathroom. She’d had three weeks to decide to move in with him, so she couldn’t understand why she hadn’t considered they would be living together not as roommates but as a couple.

As she brushed her hair, she tried not to let her nerves get the best of her.

“It’s going to be okay,” she told herself, unaware she had spoken out loud.

“Yes, it is,” Moon concurred, coming out of the bathroom.

Larissa stared at him sheepishly. “I’m just a little nervous. I’ve never lived with a man before,” she admitted.

“You didn’t live with your boyfriend?”

“God, no. We were both so busy getting our degree that that was our only priority. At least, it was mine. He lived at his home. It just made more since so he could concentrate on his studies and wouldn’t have to work. And when he was matched with a hospital after graduation, I found out he was cheating on me.”

Larissa kept her eyes on her reflection in the mirror as Moon dropped the towel around his hips to pull on a pair of jeans.

Sitting on the bed, he tugged on black leather boots. “That must have been upsetting.”

“It was, and it wasn’t. A friend of mine had told me he was cheating on me, but I didn’t believe her. Come to find out, she was telling me the truth.” Larissa changed the subject before Moon could ask any further questions. “Are you ready to go?”

He stood up to pull on a dark gray shirt. “I am. Where do you want to eat?”

“I’m craving steak. How about King’s?”

Larissa couldn’t understand the pained look he gave her.

“I’ll stay in the car until you get us a table. You can text me when you’re seated.”


“Put it this way … mistakes were made.”

They ended up going to a casual dining restaurant that had steak on the menu. The Pink Slipper was the closest to an Applebee’s that Treepoint was ever going to get.

Moon and she sat and talked as they ate. The more time she spent with him, the more comfortable she felt. He was a fun companion, attentive, and made her feel special in a way she had never felt before.

After finishing her meal, she watched as he ate the last of his cheesecake. She caught more than one woman’s eyes straying to their table. He drew their eyes like a magnet, like he did hers. Like he had caught Lana’s the night at the bar.

Larissa twirled the melted ice cubes in her drink, her mind on that night. What if she hadn’t gone into his bedroom? Would Lana be the one sitting here tonight?

“You’ve gone quiet all of a sudden. What are you thinking about?”

She smiled at him. “Nothing.”

“You’re lying.”

Larissa made a face at him. “Yes, I am.”

“So, what were you thinking of?”

She leaned forward to cup her glass between her hands. “Do you ever wish you could do a do-over?”

Moon gave her a cautious glance. “Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to come out ahead by answering that question.”

“I already know the answer to that question.”

Moon frowned at her. “There’s no way you could know my answer to a question you haven’t asked. Don’t presume to—”

“Never mind,” Larissa cut him off, waving to their busy waitress when she would have rushed past them. “I’ll take the ticket.”

Moon sighed. “Come down off your high horse, Larissa. The question you presume to know the answer to is: would I go back in time and not have sex with you, therefore we wouldn’t be looking forward to having a baby in a couple of months? Is that not the question you think you know the answer to?”


