Moon’s Promise – The Last Riders Read Online Jamie Begley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 189
Estimated words: 181808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 909(@200wpm)___ 727(@250wpm)___ 606(@300wpm)

She spread a warm bath towel over Killyama and started examining her. Step by step, Larissa explained what she was doing and seeing.

“You’re in active labor.”

“I could have told you that!” Killyama yelled.

Calmly, Larissa helped her to sit up. “Everything looks good. Do you want to sit in the pool, or would you prefer—”

“I want to sit in the pool.”

“Very well. Use the bathroom before we’ll get you situated.”

After helping Killyama put on a toweling robe, Larissa waited in the bathroom while she went into the closed toilet area. She had already been instructed on how to clean herself before getting into the sanitized pool, which Priss had prepared.

When she came out, all three of them helped Killyama into the pool, making sure she was comfortable with the floating pillow as Train rubbed her back before letting her friends in.

“Damn, bitch. Where’s the baby? I was beginning to think you had her without us,” Sex Piston wisecracked as she entered the room, followed by their troop of friends. Her expression softened as she handed her a bottle of water infused with electrolytes. “How are you doing?”

Killyama raised her head. “It’s not as easy as you make it seem.”

“I told you to take the drugs. I wasn’t getting suckered into going natural. The more drugs, the better. Any regrets yet?”


Sex Piston gave a sarcastic snort. “Wait until that big head starts popping out. We’ll see if you say the same thing.”

“Did you get all the items you wanted at the baby shower?” Larissa directed the conversation to divert Killyama’s attention away from the pain instead of focusing on it.

“Most of them,” Killyama answered.

“What didn’t you get?”

Lana arrived and had Killyama get out the pool to check her and the baby. Then Killyama decided she wanted to walk for a while and use the restroom again.

The afternoon dragged on as Killyama’s labor intensified.

The water delivery was nearly textbook perfect. Killyama’s little bundle of joy arrived to the cheers of the women anxiously waiting.

Blinking back emotional tears as Train greeted his beautiful daughter reinforced why she had become a midwife.

Priss took Train away to let him help with the baby while she and Lana helped Killyama deliver the afterbirth.

Once baby and mother were settled in bed, Lana and Priss started draining and dismantling the birthing pool.

Larissa kept an eye on the parents as she cleaned and packed the equipment they had used. When she was finished, she told Train and Killyama that she and Lana would be leaving, but Priss would be staying until morning, and she would be back then.

Train looked up from staring at the baby with gratitude on his face. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Before leaving, she shooed all of Killyama’s friends out so the new parents could enjoy some bonding time alone.

After saying goodbye to Priss, Lana and Larissa left Train’s house. There were two men standing guard outside.

Neither of them said anything until they were in Lana’s car, where they stared at each other curiously.

“I wonder what that’s about,” Lana asked as she buckled her seat belt.

“I have no clue.” Starting the car, she looked up at the front of the club. There were several men standing on the porch. “Look.” Larissa directed her attention to where she was staring. “You think something is going on?”

“I don’t know, but it sure looks that way.”

She backed out of the parking spot and pulled onto the main road.

“You notice Beth? She kept her phone in her hand the whole time.”

“Yes,” Larissa answered without taking her eyes off the road. “I think she had 911 on speed dial. She was terrified for Killyama, but that wasn’t anything new today. She wanted her to have the baby in the hospital. I tried to ease her worry, but nothing I said changed her mind.”

“People always have—”

Larissa shook her head. “Beth’s fear was different than what we usually hear.”

“How so?”

Larissa debated on the wisdom of what Beth had said when she had pressed her on her fears.


She had never been good at keeping secrets from her sisters. Besides, Lana might be curious to ask Beth herself.

“She said The Last Rider women don’t have easy births.”

Lana frowned. “What did she mean by that?”

“I don’t know.” When she glanced at her sister, she read the worried look on Lana’s face.

“Then I’ll damn sure be finding out.”


Moon sat patiently on his bike, waiting for Larissa to arrive. She had told him last night when he had talked to her that she would be coming to stay with Killyama this morning. He hadn’t informed her when they’d talked the previous night that one of the brothers had been killed.

Knox had been able to keep the news of Pace’s death a secret, but it hadn’t been easy. He was going to release the information after they watched the security footage. The Last Riders had used all their contacts to keep the details quiet until they had a better grasp on what the fuck had gone down.


