My Alien’s Baby Read online Stasia Black (Draci Alien #2)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Draci Alien Series by Stasia Black

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 40113 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 201(@200wpm)___ 160(@250wpm)___ 134(@300wpm)

He huffs out a breath but then nods. “There’s no need to worry. Everything will be fine. Ijes will come back to say exactly that and then you must promise to calm yourself.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and press my cheek against Ezo’s chest.

He’s right. Everything’s going to be fine. Everything’s going to be fine.

Most likely.

Unless it’s not. Oh shit, what if it’s not?

Ezo must feel me go tense. “Why don’t you believe me, Ana? Must I prick my finger as well so you can see inside me?”

I pull my face away from his chest and look up at him. “It’s not that. It’s just the unknown that scares me.”

And I’m going to go nuts if we have to just sit here waiting for the next fifty-five minutes. I glance around and then back to Ezo, struck with a bright idea.

“Fuck me.”

Ezo’s eyebrows narrow.

“I mean it, fuck me.” I hurry over to close and lock the door, then I yank my shirt off over my head.

Ezo crosses his arms over his chest. “Ana, we shouldn’t. You are upset—”

“Exactly.” I reach around and unsnap my bra. “But like you said—you aren’t and you keep saying everything will be okay and if you really mean that, then I could really use chilling out in your head for a while.”

For a second I think he’ll balk at doing this in his friend’s house, his King’s house, and maybe I should feel weird or slutty or something, but the second I see his eyes burn with blue fire, the spark inside of me is lit.

Do I want the distraction? Yes. Do I want Ezo more?


I’m guessing he feels the same because he crosses the space between us in about two milliseconds flat and then his hands are on me, one plumping my breast and pinching my nipple and the other on my ass, pulling me up against his hardness.

“Oh God, yes,” I moan and he pauses, putting a finger to my lips like Shak did earlier. “Shhhh.”

I grin and nip at his finger, dropping one hand to grip both of his erections. A tremor runs through his chest at my firm grasp.

“You want it?” I rub him up and down, peeking up into his fiery eyes. “Then come and get it.”

I shove my pants and underwear down and then I spin and lean over the bed, presenting him my backside.

He exhales so harshly it flutters my hair and I grin into the comforter on the bed, wiggling my ass.

“Ana,” he chokes but then his hands are on my flesh, his finger immediately slipping inside me to check for wetness. I’m always sopping around him, doesn’t he know that by now?

He thrusts another finger inside my channel and his thumb begins to strum my clit.

And just like that, I cum. I bury my face in the comforter to stifle my cries. Sometimes it happens like that when I’m alone—a fast, hard flash when I’ve only barely begun touching myself, but never before with Ezo.

And I can tell it turns him the fuck on.

He grunts out these excited little huffs, and I hear his zipper being yanked down and then, oh—

“Fuck, yes,” I whine, my hands fisting in the comforter as he fills me in one sharp thrust. “More.”

He heeds my heated whispers, pulling out and then thrusting hard back in. Which is when I feel his other delicious cock erect and rubbing my clit in that perfect fucking spot.

We’ve only fucked in this position a couple of times but I slip into his head and feel his excitement as he watches himself disappear in my hole, his huge hands clutching my hips and squeezing my ass.

I’m pretty sure doggy style like this is becoming my new favorite. It’s like constantly having another sex toy around just for my clit when he fucks me with his bottom cock.

And getting out of my own head and escaping into the relative calm of his focused pleasure? Oh fuck, yes.

His heavy balls slap my ass as he thrusts back in again, the ridges of his perfect shafts hitting me so good, inside and out.

Dragging in and then out and in.

I clench around him, feeling on the verge of another climax already. Oh yeah. Right there. Just a little harder.

But I don’t even have to say the words. Because Ezo is here with me in my head.

He adjusts and the next time he thrusts in, my entire body lights with fireworks.

The bright spasm explodes outward from my tummy and Ezo thrusts in hard one more time. I’m drenched in him as his cum spurts so deep inside me.

I feel everything he feels. Adoration. The joy he’s never known. And love. I feel fucking love.

I turn my head to look over my shoulder at him. I know he can feel it but I have to say it out loud. “I love you, too. God, I love you so fucking much.”


