My Alien’s Baby Read online Stasia Black (Draci Alien #2)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Draci Alien Series by Stasia Black

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 40113 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 201(@200wpm)___ 160(@250wpm)___ 134(@300wpm)

There are bright spots of exertion high on his cheeks and the look in his eyes as I tell him I love him—he’s frozen just staring at me, mouth dropped open. His loud, heaving breath is the only noise in the otherwise silent room.

I wait for him to say something but it’s not like with boyfriends before. I don’t have to wonder how he feels. I already know. I know.

So I whisper it out loud. “I know, baby.” I nod. “It’s real. I’m here and I love you.”

And then he all but pounces on me, covering my body with his and immediately filling me again, his second cock straining with need.

The moment he strokes into me, I feel it building again.

I grab his head and drag him down to me, kissing him deep. He kisses me back with a more furious passion than I’ve ever felt from him before.

“I love you, my Ana. Mine. Mine.”

I see his eyes flash electric blue, verging on silver as he begins to fuck me in earnest, holding nothing back. And I’m ready for it. He knows it. He feels it.

I clutch him to my breast and he sucks on my nipples, grazing them with his teeth so that my back arches in pleasure. He knows just how I like it. Just enough pressure, in just the right places.

He thrusts and thrusts and thrusts and I lose myself in our combined pleasure. The joy of his body being inside mine. Of our minds co-mingling so that I’m closer to him than any human has ever been to her partner.

I don’t know how much time passes but when his cum finally jettisons inside me again, he and I fly together.

It’s white light. Oh. Oh.


I’m flying through the sky, the summer sun warming my wings even as I sweep low down over the grasses. My sisters laugh, their joy ringing in my ears as I race faster.

I’ve never been more free. More alive.

I fly and fly and fly.

Chapter Seventeen


When I finally settle back to the world after the universe’s most explosive orgasm, it is to find my mate smiling, looking more content than I’ve ever seen her.

And within moments, before I have even slid out of her, her light snores filled the room.

I sigh in happiness and relief. My mate is no longer anxious or afraid. She loves me. I have not been loved for a very long time. It is— It is—

I did not know I could even feel like this.

My chest is full as I pull my pants up and re-button them.

Then I blink and look around me. Ancients, what time is it? Have three sitheths passed? I have no idea.

But I cannot let them come back in and discover my mate so bare. The humans are peculiar in this way but I will protect my love even from her embarrassment.

Gently, I ease her pants back up her legs. My essence is spilling out of her and I would clean it except I know she hates to lose any drop. Perhaps that is only in private, though. I find a tissue and clean the spillage, pausing to admire her beautiful pussy before I remember my task and pull her jeans the rest of the way up.

I gather her undergarment and shirt but cannot bear to wake her up in order to put them back on her, so I pile them beside her on the bed and lift the comforter, gently placing it over her bared teats.

Then I climb in behind her and tuck my chest against her back, legs tangling with hers.

She lets out a happy little sigh and settles back against me.

She is warm and perfect and beautiful, and I will protect her forever.

I do not mean for my own eyes to close but our connection is still so fresh and she is so soft and... My eyes drop closed as I breathe in her sweet, sated scent. Only for a moment. I’ll close them only for just a moment…

A loud noise wakes me. I sit up, head darting side to side— Where am—? And then I see Ana beside me, blinking sleepily.

How could I have allowed myself to fall asleep?

Because the noise I hear in the hallway, it is many voices. Not just my King’s or Queen’s. Not even just the doctor.

I leap to my feet, heading towards the door and pressing my ear against it. Voices are arguing loudly. In Draci.

“Shit,” Ana whispers behind me, and when I glance back to her, she is pulling her shirt on over her head.

She jumps to her feet and smooths out the bed.

“Stay here,” I say firmly.

I know my Ana and I see in her eyes that she wants to argue with me, but then her eyes move to the door.

She hears them too.

“Stay here,” I order again. “If I shout your name, escape out this portal,” I point to the window, “run to your car, and drive away from here. Do you understand me?”


