One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

Swallowing a growl, I close my hand over hers.

“Piper, listen. The only way to ruin me is to let him win. If you quit, that’s exactly what you’re doing. He’s kicking me in the balls right where I live.”

“Then what can I do? How can I help?” Her frown deepens.

“You’re here. That’s enough.” I pull her closer, hugging her to my chest.

“Since when did the bosshole become so sensitive?”

“Don’t know. Maybe the day a mouthy thing with looks like an angel barged in, watching me shower—”

“You broke into my room,” she says, smiling.

Even with my gut turning into a volcano, I laugh.

That’s her magic, all right.

She makes me happy even with the entire sky falling down.

“Piper?” I whisper.

“Yeah?” She tilts her head back so she can see my eyes.

I almost say it.

I almost cut myself open and bleed on her.

I almost give her the words vibrating in my soul—but I shouldn’t tell her now.

Not like this.

Not while we’re stuck in this dumbass crisis.

The first time I say 'I love you,' it needs to be perfect.


“Never mind,” I say.

Her eyes search mine. “What were you about to say?”

“I forget. Nothing important.”

I didn’t forget shit.

I’m just too gutless to say it.

Still, I run my hand down her back. “I’ve vented and moaned, but you haven’t said much. How are you really holding up? You’re in the middle of this too, and I wish like hell you weren’t.”

“I—I don’t know. I don’t like being called a junior copywriter who got ahead by sleeping with you. I hope nobody who works with us thinks that.”

“If anyone’s that stupid, they don’t know the facts. Piper, we kissed before you ever worked for me. Hell, I kissed you. This shit show is entirely on me—”

She meets my lips with hers, silencing me.

“Hush. If you hadn’t kissed me, I would have done it first,” she admits.


She nods, a slow smile appearing. “Once I had the nerve, I would have walked right into your office and kissed you.”

“I wouldn’t have called security.” I grab the zipper on the back of her dress and pull it down.

“What would you have done?”

I kiss her lips. “What does it look like?”

She brings her leg up behind mine.

Her hands move to the row of buttons on my shirt. “I might even have done this.”

She works several buttons out of their holes and flicks her tongue against my chest.

“Fuck,” I rasp, lust bolting through me. “If you did that, I’d have no choice but to do this.”

I place my hands on the shoulders of that skintight dress and peel it down.

She continues working my shirt open. “Then I’d call this fair game.”

She unbuttons my pants next and watches them fall.

I feast my eyes on the beautiful woman in front of me. “You’re not wearing any panties.”

She smiles and bites her lip.

“The dress was too tight. And I wanted to surprise you later, before everything went crazy.”

I’m definitely going crazy now.

Especially as she works her hands under the elastic of my boxers, pulls them down, and slides a soft hand down my length.

“Miss Renee?” I bite off, my head rolling back as she strokes me to heaven.

She rises on her toes to kiss my lips.

“So formal. We should fix that,” she whispers.

Goddamn, if I ever needed to blow off some steam...

I devour the inside of her mouth before I can answer. Then I pick her up and place her on top of the desk in our room.

“Brock, we have a bed—”

“Too far and less fun,” I growl.

I thrust into her then, anger and madness and adoration filling my hips.

Every stroke renders us breathless.

Every groan brings us closer.

Every pulse writes whole volumes, books about all the shit I want to say with words, but I can only communicate with flesh right now.

“Brock!” she whimpers, her pleasure cresting, and she digs her little teeth into my shoulder.

As I drive on, deeper and harder and faster, I realize I have something no power-hungry billionaire rival can ever take, no gossip can derail, and no amount of money can buy.

As I slam her against the desk and bottom out, emptying my balls with a groan, I know this woman is irrevocably mine.

I just hope I’m smart enough to keep her.

The next day I’m in my office, lighting up every resource I have so this never happens again.

“Up security on everyone’s company devices. I want my house watched twenty-four seven, the whole perimeter.”

I’ll be damned if this jagoff gets another picture from inside my yard.

It’s a threat to Piper and a breach of my privacy.

I don’t want her home alone either. Her family isn’t back from Mexico yet. Finch could bug her entire house if he wanted.

“Anything else?” Keenan asks. “For the record, I’m sorry you have to deal with this.”

“That’s it. Don’t apologize, just get it done.” I cut the call and pound my phone against my desk.


