One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

I’d tell her I understand, but as an only child whose parents were never more than distant, self-absorbed authorities, I don’t. I’m damn lucky I had my grandparents.

“You’re right to worry about your family, Sunshine. If something happened to my grandparents, I’d be devastated. If you change your mind about Mexico, just say the word. I’ll have you flown down there on my own jet.”

She looks up, her eyes glistening as she bites her lip.

“...they said it could take weeks. Maybe even longer for the full treatment and to analyze everything. I can’t be gone that long—so what’s the point of leaving now?”

“You can be gone as long as you need,” I bite off. “Your job will still be here when you get back, and now that we have our direction, your direct involvement is ideal but not essential.”

She shakes her head like it’s a boulder.

“You’re losing your edge, dude. You keep that up and you might need to fire a few interns to keep up your bad reputation.”

Swallowing a laugh, I flip her around before she can react and swat her lush little ass.

The way she squeals turns my dick to diamond.

“Ow! What the hell was that?”

“Your idea. If I’m losing my tyrant edge, perhaps I’d better try corporal punishment next.”

She glares at me, her cheeks burning red.

“Hmm. I can tell you enjoyed it, which may be a problem,” I say, pretending to think deeply.

Then she kicks me in the shin and I stagger back, laughing.

“You’re still a massive dick. That’s in your DNA.”

“I’m lucky my father left me one significant asset, Pippa. And so are you.”

She jerks her face away from me and mutters, “You really are terrible. You know that, right?”

“I know I can send you away with a company laptop and whatever else you need. I’m sure I can also sneak away to join you in Mexico, if you’d like. You could keep working and check on your dad between projects.”

I watch her consider it for a minute before she rolls her shoulders. “No. I’ll do the most good here.”

Brave decision.

Her determined expression reminds me of that breezy day in Lanai, when she started warming up to me.

What would it be like if travel was all about new experiences with a beautiful woman?

And what could it be like if I finally took a trip with a sensuous smile and an ass to die for?

One day, I’d like to find out, before this strange thing between us expires.

“I just hope Maisy is behaving in Mexico,” she says. “It’s too easy for a kid her age to start sneaking tequila shots.”

“That’s why I sent Fyo to keep an eye on her. Peace of mind,” I say.

“That was great. But you’re sure you don’t need him here?”

“I’m a grown man. I can handle not having a chauffeur for a couple of weeks.”

I’m also having Fyo do some digging on Apollo Finch with proxy servers in another country, where he’ll be harder to trace.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot you’re an adult since you have a self-propelled sausage named sausage.” She flicks her tongue out.

“Everybody likes andouille. What can I say?” I flash her a thin smile.

“I mean, at least it’s fitting.”

“Leave Andy alone or he’ll nip you tonight. The damn dog reads minds.” I wag my finger.

“Nip what? My toes?” She bursts out laughing.

I nod.

“Do you really think Fyo can keep up with Maisy? You’ve met her.”

I smile. “If she gets into a scrap or any real mischief, there’s no one better. He’ll call us immediately.”

He might also use his former Spetsnaz skills to tear off a human head. Of course, I don’t tell her that.

There’s a reason I hired a driver who doubles as a special agent and bodyguard.

“So you help me corral my little sister now?” She steps forward, reaching for my collar and tugging.

“You already know I’ll help as much or as little as you’ll allow, brat,” I say, brushing my lips over hers until she shudders.

Her mouth begs for a kiss I don’t give.

Not yet.

She peers at me with that sea-green gaze again, and goddamn, I’m sorely tempted.

Technically, it’s the middle of the workday.

I reach for her face, sweeping a loose lock of hair out of her eye.

“I’m glad you know where you’re needed, Piper. Here with me.”

“We’ll see. But I know you’re worried about that big industry shindig coming up.”

“Yeah. The association conference is right around the corner in Portland. It’s the best opportunity to catch Apollo Finch pulling out all stops to break our winning streak,” I say, trying like hell not to let that smarmy little prick’s face bleed through my mind.

“We’ll turn your review scores around by then,” she whispers, pressing her lips to my neck.

“It’s not just the reviews. There’s a major fashion show in our own backyard, right before the conference.”

“Oh, yeah. The new Haughty But Nice thing? I love their stuff!” The way she bounces emphasizes just how much the clothing line excites her.


