One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

I don’t think it lasts another five minutes before we’re breathless dust in the wind.

His wall of a body bows and explodes with a guttural, “Fuck!”

I cling to him for dear life, the storm of his release battering my own, dangerously in love with all of this except that condom.

I can feel his raging heat through it.

In the crazy moment, I wonder what it would be like to feel him skin on skin, to be left leaking him for hours.

But we ride out our last wave together, two hot messes thrown together.

Deliciously ruined.

Sated—for now.

The hot water brings me out of the trance as I dig my nails into his shoulder and whisper, “Brock, don’t move. Not yet.”

He presses a rough kiss to my forehead, the first of several sticky sweet kisses for the next minute.

“Where the hell have you been all my life?” he whispers before attacking my mouth again.

I don’t know how to answer.

With the hot water running thin and exhaustion setting in, we finish showering, towel off, and head back to bed.

“I should probably go back to my room,” I say a few minutes later. “Just know. So no one sees us walking out together and there isn’t anything else to worry about.”

“We have the private entrance. We’ll time it so there’s nothing to explain,” he says gruffly.


“Piper, stay.”

My heart jumps in my chest.

That settles it.

My legs turn to mush and I start to actually relax.

When his arms reach out and pull me closer, spooning me against him, I’m floating.

And that’s how I drift off to a deep sleep to an orchid-scented night bright with stars and pretty bird calls.

I don’t wake up until a faint chiming sound bleeds into my dreams.

Huh? My phone?

I lift the overly fluffy blanket stretched over my naked body.

The bear next to me makes me smile. I’m a little glad he can sleep through the incessant noise, at least.

Is it morning?

Probably Jenn wanting to go downstairs for brunch.

Damn, can’t she just go by herself today?

I’d like to just bask in Brock flipping Winthrope sleeping next to me and still snoring before life gets too real again—before I have to deal with the glaring fact that I just slept with my boss.

Big yikes.

But where is my phone, anyway? My eyes scan the darkness.

I gave it to Brock last night before we left my room. He put it in his jacket, I think.

So, where’s his jacket?

I start replaying last night in my head. The suite is so huge it has a large sitting room and a fireplace outside the bedroom.

Even though he’s sleeping, I’m suddenly shy again. I think I only survived being naked with him last night because I was so lust-drunk.

In the faint blue morning light, without the adrenaline rush, I’d be mortified.

So I creep to the edge of the bed and stand up slowly.

Damn, it’s cold.

I snatch the throw blanket from the bed and pull it around me for warmth. As I move around the bed, it comes off Brock.

“Sorry,” I whisper.

I’ll put it back in a minute.

He starts to stir, and I really don’t want him to wake up before I’m dressed.

I grab the robe I left on the floor before our last round and throw it on before I toss the blanket over him.

Somewhere in the distance, my phone goes off again.

He’s still asleep. Thank God.

I scurry through the open door, searching.

Where is his fricking jacket?

He draped it over me in the elevator. I survey the floor, but I don’t find it, even with the ringtone getting louder and not stopping.

A lump builds in my throat.

What if it’s not just Jenn pestering me at the crack of dawn?

Where is that stupid coat?

I stoop over, but there’s only one thing on the floor.

A shiny white keycard. I pick it up, open the door, and laugh.

There’s a grey pile on the floor between the elevator and the suite.


In all the excitement last night, it must have fallen off before we got inside and neither of us noticed.

I lift the jacket and find a black heel under it. Oh, I lost a shoe last night too?

That wine must have been good—or maybe it was all boss snarlypants and his sexy whispers.

Heat throbs through me.

I grab the heel and slide the jacket over my shoulders just to have a free hand before I dig the phone out of the pocket.

A number I don’t recognize flashes across the screen. I swipe the green icon.


“Oh my God! Finally!” Maisy screams. “Pippa, where are you? Can you come home early?”

“We’re leaving tonight. What’s wrong?”

“We’re...we’re at the hospital and they’re asking if Dad has a DNR, and I don’t know what that means, and—”

I fall back and bang the wall.

Everything starts spinning. My heart tries to beat right out of my chest and I’m instantly nauseous.

“Why would they ask you that?”


