One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

That makes me smile.

And I guess I can’t completely hate Brock since he’s the reason for Dad’s recovery.

But that kind of makes it worse.

“I’m glad you’re both okay. How are you feeling about his outlook?”

“Hopeful! I don’t know anything about medicine but the way they talk just sounds so good. I think when he goes home, things are gonna be different. I’m pumped.”

God, I wish I could cling to that hope.

“Me too, Maisy. But don’t go another twenty-four hours without calling me, okay?”


“I love you,” I say.

“Love you too!” She hangs up instantly.

She absolutely should when she’s enjoying herself that much.

I sip my dark coffee, wishing it was the Kona peaberry brew. But as much as I loved that coffee back in Lanai, it comes with other memories.

I definitely don’t need that crap.

When I look up again, I see Jenn coming through the door, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

She doesn’t even wave until she gets her coffee and slumps down across from me.

“Welcome to the land of the living,” I say.

“Can I just say I’m shocked we’re at Sweeter Grind? You’ve been on such a Wired Cup kick since Hawaii I wasn’t sure you’d ever change it up again.” She tips her cup to her mouth and drains half of it in one pull.

“Eh, it’s nice to mix it up, right?”

Especially when you’re trying to get your mind off heart-stabby men, I don’t add.

“I’m glad. They’re overpriced anyway. Okay, so, I can’t wait to hear about this thing with the boss.”

I scoff. “I can.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing,” I sigh. But the cutting look she gives me says that won’t fly for a second. “You really want to know? Nothing new. Brock Winthrope is just a card-carrying jackass. And I think I should start looking for a new job. Don’t know if I can keep working here.”

“What? But he’s paying through the nose and you were doing so well with the reviews!” She sets her cup down and leans closer, the coffee prying her eyes awake. “Pippa, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Not sure how Vanessa is, but I’m peachy.” I gulp down the dark roast until it burns my tongue.

“Vanessa?” Jenn blinks at me.

“I’m asking the same thing. But she sure is oh-so-thankful to have Brock in her life, and she’ll be sending him pics soon!”

I know I’m getting unhinged.

And technically, we never talked about a relationship between bouts of soul-soaring sex. It’s not like I ever asked if we’re exclusive or special or even more than mutual sneakylinks.

For all I know, Brock might think I’d be perfectly happy as one more rotating choice in an entire harem of women lined up for his pleasure.

Still. Just thinking about the one other woman I know about makes my blood turn green.

“Lady, what happened?” she asks, tapping her cup impatiently.

“I still don’t know, honestly. He was asleep. There was a phone buzzing on the floor. I thought it was mine, so I fished it out of the clothes—”

“Wait. The clothes were on the floor? Whose clothes?”

My face heats as I force out, “Ours.”

“Ooh, spicy! Continue.”

I finish telling her everything I know, which isn’t much.

“...then I left. I have some dignity,” I finish.

“Holy crap. What a dick-knuckle.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t want to say it, Pippa, but I was afraid he’d play you like this. I’m pretty sure these billionaires are all the same.”

“Are they? What about that big coffee mogul who owns Wired Cup?” I sigh.

“Cole Lancaster? That wedding was dreamy!” She clasps her hands together. I can practically see stars in her eyes. “Oh, plus the way he saved her from that psycho. You know Winthrope helped, right?”

I cock my head. “He what?”

“It was his ship! The same yacht you were on brought Cole through this crazy storm to save his lady. Winthrope was in town after they made that big coffee deal and gave him a lift.”

Of course.

Brock just has to be hero and heartbreaker in everything.

My heart nosedives.

“Yeah, well, I can’t deny he’s a big cinnamon roll underneath his thorns. He took care of Dad and Maisy. He even has an adorable weenie lab.” I wait while she laughs in disbelief. “So, yeah, I can’t hate him. Without Brock, who knows if Dad would’ve made it another year.”

“Don’t give him too much credit. His family made their fortune off people like us punching a timecard. Brock saved your dad because you’re an amazing copywriter and apparently a better kisser. That doesn’t make him Mr. White Knight.”

“But he even sent his driver to babysit Maisy...”

“Hey, we’re trying to talk about how much he sucks here, aren’t we?” She rolls her eyes. “Oh, fine. Partial credit. But he’s still an elephant dick, and you should talk to Vanessa. She probably doesn’t know about you either with how these guys sneak around.”

“I thought about that,” I say slowly.


