Perfect Chaos (Unyielding #1) Read Online Nashoda Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Unyielding Series by Nashoda Rose

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 90276 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

“Jesus, Deck.” I wanted to flip him the finger then beg him to kiss me. Both were not a good idea at that moment.

“It means you’re mine—completely. There’s no running. No going back. And sure as fuck no lies. You have an issue, we talk. You have a problem, I’ll deal with it. If I need you to do something, I expect you to do it.”

“Whoa, back way up.”

His brows rose. “I asked if you were sure. You said yes. There’s no backing up. I didn’t hang around torturing myself for eight goddamn years just to take you and have you tell me to back up. There’s only forward with me. You knew what you were doing. I’m not letting you go, and that involves telling me everything.” He strode toward the door. “And I want it all.”

I didn’t know why I was shaking. Turned on? Scared? I’d go with a combo.

“What’s his full name?” he asked.

Shit. This was the last thing I wanted, but I’d opened this can of worms and they were slithering all over me. Deck was taking over.

“Robbie Krovakov.”

His body stiffened and he reached in his back pocket and pulled out his phone.

“What are you going to do?”

He had the phone to his ear as he turned to look at me. “Stay here. When I come back, I expect you to be naked in bed waiting for me.”

My eyes widened.

“You have something to say?”

I shook my head.

Then he left.

I STRODE OUT of the room. “Robbie Krovakov. Went to Georgie’s public school, German Mills. Find his location. I’d check the local penitentiary first. And Vic, this guy is mine.” I hung up and shoved the phone back in my pocket.

I walked into my office and started up my laptop, checking through any correspondence I’d had with Kai.

The truth was I was in my office to get away from her before I crashed and lost everything of myself in her. I got what I wanted. I made her mine. There was no backing down now, but what I wondered was if either of us was going to be able to handle it. I was feeling so fucked up after that. … Jesus, being inside her, feeling her, kissing her, it was like a brilliance of colors had burned through my darkness.

I tried to concentrate, but all I could think about was thrusting inside Georgie. Feeling her tightness around my cock, how she stood in front of me and stripped. How she dug her nails into my back as I slammed into her over and over again.

She was a fuckin’ virgin. A virgin. Unexpected and … it was a gift. Despite all the lies that surrounded her … she saved that for me. Jesus. I may have never … fuck Connor. Fuck everything. She was mine now, and I was never letting her go.

My cock hardened as I thought of her lying in my bed right now, uncertain and a little scared, as she should be. I was still reeling with anger at her, at Kai and at myself for not seeing this. The drinking had been a lie? Fuck. Had I been so determined to keep her at a distance I missed what was staring right at me? I knew Georgie, at least I thought I had. It never sat right with me about the drinking. Georgie was stronger than that.

“Damn it.” I slammed my laptop shut and leaned back in my chair, the creak of leather and my groan melding together.

I hadn’t shut the door and I looked up to see Georgie standing in the baggy sweat clothes I had gotten her. She leaned back against the doorframe so I could see her side profile, her leg bent so her foot was resting on the wall. And she looked sexy as hell.

She also didn’t do as I said. Complete opposite, in fact. I hid my smile because I sure as hell didn’t want her to see it.

Even with blue streaks or whatever fuckin’ color she dyed her hair, I thought she was beautiful. Hadn’t changed since the day I met her. Her, too young to do anything about it, and me who’d become a killer who had seen far too much bad shit to ever let a girl so innocent into my life.

My men from Unyielding Riot were the same; seen and done more than most humans could even bear hearing about, let alone experience firsthand. The path we were on was a rocky one, and I expected Connor was on one that there was no way back from.

Fuck. Georgie could never know about her brother being alive. I sure as hell didn’t like starting what we had with a secret as big as this, but Connor wasn’t her brother anymore. There was only harm in telling her about him right now.


