Perfect Chaos (Unyielding #1) Read Online Nashoda Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Unyielding Series by Nashoda Rose

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 90276 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

She was fiddling with her hands. Not her usual cocky, sassy self. And it reminded me of the girl I’d watched eating the ice cream.

“Told you to stay put.” And I also knew Georgie rarely followed instructions.


“Also told you to be naked.”

I saw her teeth snag her lower lip then slowly let it go. “Why do you want me now? I lied to you. I pretended to be someone I wasn’t—”


She clamped her mouth shut at hearing the hard edge to my one word. I wanted her again so badly it was clouding my judgement on what I had to do here and yet … the years of waiting, of never thinking I’d have her, overtook needing answers.

My cock swelled so hard it was painful. Jesus, yes. I’d fuck her for the next week straight if I could. She lifted her head and her veil of hair parted as she turned to look at me. Damn it, she knew exactly what she was doing looking like that.

“Come here.”

She walked over to me and I appreciated the sway of her hips and the slightly parted lips. Thing was, Georgie was sexy as hell and she didn’t even know it. Yeah, she played the part with her sass, but beneath that laid a vulnerable girl who hid behind a web of lies.

But what Georgie needed right now was to know who was in control because this bullshit with her had ended.

“Sit on my desk.” I pushed my laptop aside then my chair back as she came to stand in front of me. She placed her palms on the edge of the desk then slid her ass up onto the mahogany surface. I rolled my chair forward until I could touch her hips and then I jerked her to the very edge. “You sore?”

She shook her head. I raised my brows and she amended her answer. “A little.”

“Then I’m not fucking you.” Her look of disappointment made me smile, and for a second, I felt the sweet elation swim through my veins. It was unfamiliar and warming. Fuck, I liked it—a lot. “Up.” I spanked the right side of her butt and she raised it so I could tug her sweat pants off her ass then repeat on the other side. I dragged them slowly off her legs, letting my fingertips skim her soft skin.

I noticed the goose bumps and her eyes closed briefly as she tilted her head back. I dropped the pants to the floor then ran my hand up her leg to her inner thigh. “Lie back. Eyes closed.”

She was breathing hard now, anticipating my next movements. I didn’t like anyone knowing what I was going to do; it made me predictable and that was dangerous.

I got up and heard her breath hitch. Fuck, I’d like nothing more than to pound my cock into her right now, or have her mouth on me while I pushed down her throat.

But she needed a lesson and I intended to give it to her.

I walked away.

I heard the movement, didn’t even have to turn around to see she was starting to get up and say something.

“Eyes closed. Do not move until I tell you. And if my instructions aren’t followed this time … you know where the door is.”

Then I closed the office door to make it seem like I left her and quietly sat in the corner of the room and waited.

I TREMBLED AND shivered as I lay back on the desk, my legs naked and hanging over the edge. I kept my eyes closed because if I opened them, I’d get up and run after him and Deck was doing this for a reason. I knew he’d never hurt me. I knew he’d look after me and in a way, the anticipation of leaving me here made me want him even more.

I felt the aching between my legs build as I lay there. Throbbing. Pulsating. I knew I was getting wetter and suddenly wished I’d been wearing panties. My mind was reeling with thoughts of Deck, of his cock inside me, his hands on my skin, lips on my mouth and then trailing down my skin, tasting me.

My body jerked and I parted my legs a little more, wishing a window was open and a breeze would hit me between my thighs. I was dying to be touched so badly I put my hand on my chest and was about to circle my nipple when his abrupt tone from behind stopped me.

“No touching.”

Shit, I’d thought he’d left the room. My eyes flew open, but I couldn’t see him. I opened my mouth to beg him, but he must have suspected.

“Shhh.” His rumbling sound sent a wave of desire through me and I moaned, my hands flat against the hard surface of the desk, wanting to grab hold of something, anything.


