Play Along Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 125140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

“How did it start?” Angela whispers.

“Apparently Stucco got caught going through Simmo’s cabin.”

“What was he doing?” Angela whispers.

“Searching for something.”

“Like what?” I whisper.

“I don’t know, but it was suspicious, and to top it off, when the chopper arrived in the middle of all this chaos they couldn’t find the key to the container they were here to empty.”

“Fucking hell,” Angela whispers.

“What happened?” I ask.

“Mac had to open the container with huge ass bolt cutters. He looked like an idiot in front of the clients. He was fuming mad.”

My eyes widen. “Where was the key supposed to be?”

“All of the keys are kept in the main office, but this afternoon when they went to get the key it was missing.”

“Shit,” Angela whispers.

“Mac is going fucking berserk because it means we have a thief on board as one of the crew.”

“Does he think its Stucco?” I ask.

Chelsea shrugs. “Who knows, but I would hate to be whoever it is when he finds out.”

I sit back and sip my drink. Hmm. Very interesting. There are keys in the office. Everybody goes in the office so everybody is a suspect. I sip my drink to hide my smirk. This could be easier than I ever imagined. But what if they lock the cupboard now?

Shit. This could really mess up my plans. “Where did he get the bolt cutters?” I whisper.

Chelsea’s eyes flicker to me for asking a stupid question. “Down on level three is the maintenance level, all the tools are kept down there.”

“Oh,” I answer. Level three. I need to check out this level three.

The girl with the dark hair waves and stands to meet someone behind us and we all turn. It’s Stucco. She kisses him on the lips and they walk over to the bar.

“So is she on with him?” I ask.

Chelsea shrugs. “They get it on, but she is with other guys, too. She sleeps most nights in his cabin now. It won’t be long before he stakes his claim and refuses to share her.”

I frown. God, this is a weird set up. My eyes flicker over to them as they get their drinks from the bar and take a seat on the armchair in front of it. He sits down and she sits on his lap allowing his hands to roam up and down her upper thigh.

A guy walks in. He’s tall and dark and pretty damn hot to be honest. Who is this? “Hey Chels.” He smiles.

She stands immediately and walks around to kiss him on the cheek, and they disappear over to the pool table.

I turn to Angela. “Tell me the high ranking of this ship. Why was Mac called to sort stuff out?”

“Okay, so there used to be a captain of the ship—”

“Who owns this ship?” I interrupt.


I frown.

Angela shakes her head. “He’s a really bad dude. Mafia. He doesn’t come on here. In fact, I have never met him, only heard of him.” She looks around to see if anyone can hear us. “He is known for torturing his victims to death.”

My face drops and I suddenly feel sick.

“Apparently he makes billions in drugs every week. He is big… I mean huge.”

“Fuck,” I whisper. “Carry on. There used to be a captain.”

“Oh, yes. But there was constant bickering and he couldn’t control the crew, so about a year or so ago the captain got fired… or killed. We’re not quite sure.”

My eyes widen.

“He never came back and Mac came in his place.”

“What does Mac do here?”

“His role is called the enforcer, but he is also a marine engineer so he takes care of the operations.”


“He enforces the rules and makes sure things run smoothly.”

“How did he get the role of enforcer? What did he do to get this job?”

Angela shrugs. “That’s what we would all like to know. He came from Vikinos’s camp itself.”

“Oh,” I whisper. “So he really is bad? Like bad bad.”

Her eyes widen. “Baby, everyone on this ship is fucking bad. How do you think they got this job? But I think Mac is hard-core… I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I do know all of the men are shit scared of him.”

Bloody hell, at this point he is the only person I’m not scared of. Hell, what a mess. I am now orgasming over a hit man or something. I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.

I have enough emotional baggage. Maybe I should knock this on the head before it even begins. Before what begins? What exactly am I about to do?

No. Stop it.

Live in the moment, remember?

Have fun while you can. This is just a bit of fun. It means nothing. Stop over analysing everything.

Over the next ten minutes, I watch as man after man comes in after work freshly showered and ready for their nightly dinner. They go to the bar and get a drink and then take a seat next to their friends. I watch the door in anticipation as Angela talks to another girl who has taken a seat next to us.


