Play Along Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 125140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

“You can’t keep your eyes off him can you?” Angela whispers, pulling me from my thoughts.

Embarrassed, I smile at the floor.

She bumps me with her shoulder.

“I took your advice this afternoon,” I lean in and whisper.

She frowns.

“We made out for real today.”

She smiles broadly and hits me on the leg underneath the table. “Yes.”

I sip my drink and try to wipe the stupid smile from my face.

“How was it?”

I shrug. “Good.” I laugh and widen my eyes. “Like, really good.”

“So?” She leans in and whispers, “Did you… you know?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Maybe tonight?”

I shrug as I feel the butterflies rise in my stomach. “Who knows?”

She glances over at him as he talks to the other men and my eyes follow hers.

“Seriously, look at him,” She mutters with a shake of her head. “You know you have a huge advantage on any girl here.”

I frown. “How so?”

“I reckon you could bag him if you wanted to.”

“What? No?” I shake my head. “I’m not bagging anyone.”

“Think about it. He’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. He is out here all the time and I am pretty sure he doesn’t have anyone at home. Who knows what could happen?”

“It’s just two weeks.” I roll my eyes.

He falls into the seat opposite me and I sit back guiltily, hoping that he can’t tell we were just talking about him. Our eyes meet across the table and I smile, my heart rate immediately picking up. Can he tell how nervous he makes me?

He tips his head back to drink his beer and his sexy eyes don’t leave mine. I can tell he’s thinking about our time together on the lounge today. He was hard and above me and I was wet and open. I have thought of nothing else since.

He felt so damn good.

“How was work?” I ask as everyone disappears around us.

“It was okay,” he replies, amusement crossing his face at my attempt to small talk with him.

I sip my drink and he rubs the side of his shoe against mine in a silent acknowledgement. “How was your afternoon?” he asks.

“I had other plans, but it turned out okay.” I breathe.

He smirks as he lifts his beer to his lips. “That makes two of us.”

Our meals arrive and we eat in relative silence. Everyone around us is talking and laughing loudly, but he is quiet and pensive. I wonder if he is thinking about his trouble at work this afternoon. I glance over at Stucco who is now talking to three other seedy looking men in the corner. Obvious bruising is appearing on his face and his remark about the mutiny growing has got me thinking. If a group of men went crazy out here, some really bad shit could go down. One of the girls has turned some music and the disco lights on, and a few people are starting to dance. Angela and the boys have gone to play pool and the table seems to have separated.

“Do you want to dance?” I ask nervously.

“I don’t dance.”

“Oh.” I pause for a moment. “How do… I mean, what do you do to relax?”

His dark eyes hold mine and after a moment her replies. “I ejaculate.”

I get a visual of this visceral beast ejaculating. Fucking hell. “Oh,” I whisper as an intelligent reply leaves my brain.

“We can do that if you want?” He raises a sexy brow.

“Do what?” I breathe as my eyes drop to watch his tongue as it slips out and runs over his large bottom lip.

“Watch me ejaculate.”

The air leaves my lungs. “You want me to watch?” I whisper.

“Very much,” he breathes.


“Right now.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. Holy fuck.

Before I know it I am being dragged back to his room by the hand, where he opens the door. “Take your shoes off and lie on the bed,” he instructs.

Huh? I frown in question as he disappears into the bathroom and reappears with a large, white towel, which he spreads out over the sheets.

Isn’t he going to touch me?

“Take your underwear off and lie down.”


He cuts me off. “Now.” He turns and switches the lamp on next to the bed and turns the main light off. The mood instantly changes to sexual.

Oh. I slide my panties down my legs and take them off and lie down on the bed in my little black dress. He stands at the end of the bed and grabs the nape of his t-shirt slowly pulling it over his head, revealing his golden, tattooed torso. My hungry eyes drop to the rippled abdomen and the V of muscle that disappears into his jeans. He doesn’t have hair on his chest, but has a trail of sandy hair from his navel down to his pubic hair.

My mouth goes dry.

He kicks off his shoes and I watch as he slowly slides his jeans down his legs. He stands before me in tight black short briefs. I can see everything through the briefs, although I don’t need to. His hard cock is sitting well above the waistband of his pants.


