Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

“Are you trying to get me killed little girl?” I want to giggle. I want to tease him, but his grip on my ass cheeks and the animalistic gaze of his eyes searching the schoolyard, scoping out everyone looking toward us is making me so damn wet. “You’ve been walking around all day with my pussy barely covered and now you want to come out here and give all the dick on the balls motherfuckers a show?” The bite on my lip sends me spiraling quickly toward a release. Smack. He hits my pussy and I cry out, the muffled sound only because he is sucking it up with his mouth.

“Jacob.” I scratch his back which is covered by his shirt, but I know he can feel me just as sure as if he was naked.

“Don’t fucking whine now, hot little bitch. I was planning to get you off twice before we made it to our destination, but now, you get to stay wet and needy like this,” he emphasizes the word by sliding his finger down the side of my panties barely grazing my swollen clit before removing his fingers. “And not come at all.” I look at him shocked and confident he is just messing with me. Instead of smiling or showing any sign of joking, he devours my mouth, moaning once again. His cock is so hard and stiff beneath his jeans, and I want to rub on top of him so bad but then the fog clears and I remember. Behind us I can hear the gasps and whispers at the audacity of me to be with the leather clad bad boy biker, getting mouth fucked in front of this fancy ass school.

I chose to ignore them and enjoy this man who knows how to make me need him in seconds. And boy do I need him right now. Thinking I might try a little contrition, I lick his lips and kiss him all over his face. “I’m sorry, Jacob.” Grinning like the Cheshire cat, he rubs his nose with mine and shakes his head.

“Like hell you are. Now let’s go.” Momentarily stunned that my apology didn’t work, I stand on the side of his bike damn near out of my mind with honey on my thighs and my clit running a marathon. He reads my face and laughs before pulling me into his arms. "I missed you baby.” he says to me, kissing me once more before I unwrap my legs and touch the ground.

“I missed you too.” he kisses the side of my head before chuckling.

“Do you feel better now?” I look at him, half in shock because is he serious? I am still horny as heck. But then I am blushing. He caught me trying to plot his demise for keeping me on edge. “I know how you feel, angel. Come on. Let's go have a good night.”

Now we are in front of this restaurant that looks like it is closed, but from the outside I can tell it is fancy. The front door has shards of glass built melted into the steel, giving it a gothic look, but the chandelier hanging from the inside lobby looks like something out of a champagne room. “Are you sure it’s open?” I ask him, holding on to his arm.

“Yeah baby. Just for us.” My body shivers at the way his words are spoken, I can feel them all the way down to my toes with a lingering detour on my clit. A man opens the door and holds out his hand.

“Jacob, my boy. So glad to hear from you.” I watch him hug this older gentleman and then pull back.

“Git, this is my Mila. Mila, this is my godfather, Gitmorsen Carneg, but we call him Git.” Cheeks warm and I can imagine pink, I hold out my hand and shake it.

“That is a mouthful” I say giggling. “It is nice to meet you.” He smiles back and kisses my hand. Looking at Jacob, he smirks and nods his head.

“It is indeed, darling girl. My father was a German immigrant when he came here and changed his last name to Carneg. Unfortunately as his first born son, my lot in life was to carry his last name as my first.” To someone else it might sound as if he is complaining, but his face shows a nostalgic endearment.

“Well I think it is an honor to be able to carry something of your family and attach it to yourself permanently.” It’s true. I long for a legacy worth holding onto but it won’t happen with my parents. I can make it happen with my own family someday.

“Now I understand.” he says to Jacob. I look at Jacob, but all he does is nod his head and put his hand on my back. Neither of them elaborate on the comment and then I am being ushered in.


